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TV Reviews: The Walking Dead: S6E4: Here's not Here
This episode of The Walking Dead was amazing. I really don’t know how they managed to pull this one out of their hat and at the perfect...
TV Reviews: Heroes Reborn: S1E7: June 13th Part One
This episode starts in the past and before I watch it I’m letting it be known that if they negate the entire first few episodes of the...
TV Reviews: Surviving: S1E4: Answers
This episode was amazing. Just as the title suggests, we found out plenty of answers about what’s going on and how the girl’s father...
TV Reviews: The Flash: S2E4: The Fury of the Firestorm
Dr. Stein is becoming unstable. He needs to be rebound to someone else. The team finds two mean who are compatible with Dr. Stein and...
TV Reviews: Once Upon a Time: S5E5: Dreamcatcher
The episode opens with Merlin in pre-tree form, hunting down the Dark One in order to get revenge for the death of his loved one....
TV Reviews: Homeland: S5E4: Why Is This Night Different?
The episode starts off with Saul and Allison having dinner at the table with a few people; they then pray for the safety of their family....
Web Series Reviews: Surviving: S1E3: Get to Leonard...
This episode picks up right where we left off last week, the ladies are in the truck with a group of Zombies in front of them. In a...
TV Show Reviews: Heroes Reborn: S1E6: Game Over
This whole time Miko is looking in the game for her father. I can go along with that; a daughter risking everything for a loving parent...
TV Reviews: The Flash: S2E3: Family of Rogues
Iris calls Barry asking for help. She is stuck in The Golden Tower with two nefarious men, firing guns at her. Concerned, Barry tells her...
TV Reviews: Heroes Reborn: S1E5: The Lion's Den
Throughout the entire series, Tommy has been saying that he is meant for something bigger and when he finally finds his heroic destiny he...
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Batman vs Superman: Does Incorruptible Beings Exist?
“Be Our Guest: First look at the Beauty and the Beast’s Teaser Trailer”
Netflix Releases for June 2016
Fruit Ninja Film in Development
Basketball Legend to Write Sherlock Holmes Comic
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