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Web Series Reviews: Surviving: S1E3: Get to Leonard...

Image of Shayla with the surviving logo

This episode picks up right where we left off last week, the ladies are in the truck with a group of Zombies in front of them. In a panic, Lucy screams to go and Shayla steps on the gas pedal. She runs over a group of them but when she stops, they just rise again. Shayla noted that they should have been dead or at least down for the count before pulling off.

Lucy is in the car panicking and throwing a million valid questions at Shayla who doesn't have the answers. Shayla asks about their father and they both reach the conclusion that they do not know. Lucy continues to fire more questions and finally Shayla calms her down by telling her little sister that she doesn't have the answers but they will get through this.

They continue to drives when the see my man Chester shambling down the road. That's right, Chester is a zombie.

In the next scene, we meet back with young Shayla and her father training her to use a bow. He tells her that she has caught their dinner. Young Shayla is not impressed so Daddy gives her some words of wisdom. To sum it up, "You won't be sticking your nose in the air about the food we eat when your stomach is growling." As always, young Shayla has a smart response. 'At least the chicken we get comes with biscuits and mac and cheese.'

Her father then asks about Leonard's address and to recite it to him. He says that if she ever gets in trouble to go to Leonard's house if she can't find him. Do not call the police. Do not pass go. Go straight to Leonard's house.

Flash-forward to present day

Shayla is in shock about Chester. Once again, Lucy screams for her to drive but now Shayla remembers where to go. She remembers to go to Leonard's house. She says goodbye to Chester as she drives off.

Sometime later, the girls arrive to a very shady looking house. It is boarded up and covered in dirt. There is a stark difference between the condition of the house and Shayla's Range Rover. Lucy tells her that this is not a great idea and questions Shayla about her decision to come here to which Shayla responded that their dad told her to come here if they were in trouble. Lucy answered that he doesn't know everything.

Shayla tells her that she will need to start trusting her because she cannot protect her if she is second guessing everything that Shayla decides or tell her to do. Lucy agrees but that all seems to go out the window once they are at the front door of the house. Shayla bangs on the door, calling for Leonard while Lucy is warning her about Zombies far off in the distance. She starts panicking and telling Shayla that they have to go.

Leonard open the door with a shotgun pointed at the girls' faces. Shayla tells him that their father is Charlie. He pulls them in and slams the door.

The Review:

The first thing I have to say, is that the faces Shayla makes while with Lucy is exactly how I feel when this girl is acting. At this point, I really need to know the rules of this society and Lucy's age if I am going to stop side-eyeing the crap out of her like Shayla did in the above pic. It seems that they never heard of zombies before so that is fine but Lucy behaves like a 10 year old but she looks 15. I know, some of you may be thinking that it’s only a five year difference but still. I don't have a problem with a teenager panicking in the middle of the zombie apocalypse. Not everyone can be Carl Grimes. I have an issue with the whining. Lucy really sounds like child and not a teenager. Trust me people, there is a difference.

Once again, I want to know more about their mother. Did she die or did she abandoned them? Do they even have the same mother? Hopefully this will be answered in the next episode.

I do want to give the director/cinematographer props for how the montage was filmed while the girls are driving. The camera is held on the side of Lucy's face as she stares at Shayla and we see various jump cuts to different points on their journey that coincided with the beat of the music. Well done.

I also need to mention that this show needs to be longer. I WANT MORE! It's really good. I hope the next season is much longer.

Final Score: 8.5/10


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