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Netflix Releases for June 2016
With Memorial Day coming rapidly, and June only days away, Netflix has released what TV shows and Movies will be joining the binge...
“FOX has a ‘Lethal’ Line Up this Fall”
As the 2015-2016 TV season for each major network winds down with season finales, show cancellations and renewals, FOX has some really...
NEW Star Trek Series Coming to CBS All Access Streaming
CBS, the final frontier, to boldly go where no other network has gone before. The network ushered in a new era with its new streaming...
1996's Cult Classic, The Craft, Gets a TV Sequel
The 20-year-old film about a teenage coven who use their sorcery for their own devices is making a return. This latest film revamp comes...
NEW Star Trek Series Coming to CBS All Access Streaming
CBS, the final frontier, to boldly go where no other network has gone before. The network ushered in a new era with its new streaming...
Podcast: Geeks of the Machine Recaps: Game of Thrones: S6E2: Home
Michelle and Emerald discuss the latest episode of Game of Thrones called Home and we can not wait to find out what is in store for the...
Recap/Review: Game of Thrones: Season 6 Episode 2: Home
For the second episode of the season, we had quite a bit of plot to digest. We finally see Bran Stark once again, beyond The Wall,...
TV Reviews: Game of Thrones: S6E1: The Red Woman
The evening of April 24th found me curled up in bed, newly downloaded HBO Now app on my phone and the Game of Thrones premier loading up...
Power Girl to Appear on The Flash Season 3
When The Flash zipped into the “Supergirl” TV show and introduced CBS viewers to the multiverse theory, fans have been asking when they...
"Supergirl" Season Finale Synopsis and Photo
After the Flash/Supergirl Crossover aired with a 30% bump in ratings, fans of the CBS show have been clamoring for more information about...
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Batman vs Superman: Does Incorruptible Beings Exist?
“Be Our Guest: First look at the Beauty and the Beast’s Teaser Trailer”
Netflix Releases for June 2016
Fruit Ninja Film in Development
Basketball Legend to Write Sherlock Holmes Comic
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