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Web Series Review: Surviving: Episode 2: Gotta Get Home
After the first episode of Surviving, I couldn't wait to get my hands on episode 2. I am really liking the short format. It gives the...
TV Show Reviews: Homeland: Season 5: Episode 3: Super Powers
This latest episode of homeland delivers once again. Carrie sends her daughter back to the United States to be with her aunt while she...
TV Show Reviews: The Walking Dead: Season 6: Episode 2: JSS
This episode showed why The Walking Dead is the Best show on Sunday night. We open the episode with Enid’s back story. She is acting as...
TV Reviews: Heroes: Reborn S1E1-4
As a diehard Heroes fan, I stuck around when the series started to lose its way which was when most fled and my reward was cancellation....
TV Reviews: iZombie: Season 1 Wrap Up
Why does everything have to have a heart of gold now? There was a point in time where vampires didn’t sparkle, werewolves didn’t play...
TV Reviews: Once Upon a Time: Season 5 Premiere
The Dark Swan Rises Recap: Season 5 of OUAT picks up where season 4 left off. The savior, Emma Swan, is now the dark one and now people...
TV Reviews: Homeland: Season 5 Premiere and episode 2
This show has never failed to deliver. What you need to know: Viewers of Homeland thought Season 5 of would pick up where season 4 left...
TV Reviews: The Flash: Flash of Two Worlds
This is what the premiere should have been. From now one this is how the Flash seasons needs to premiere! Recap The episode picks up...
Web Series Review: Surviving, Episode 1
Regan Gomez' zombie series, Surviving, has finally premiered with a little gore but a lot of character. The month of October brings...
TV Reviews: The Flash: Season 2 Premiere
Hopefully the rest of the season will be more impressive than this episode. If not, we are in for a long, slow, ride. I have been waiting...
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Batman vs Superman: Does Incorruptible Beings Exist?
“Be Our Guest: First look at the Beauty and the Beast’s Teaser Trailer”
Netflix Releases for June 2016
Fruit Ninja Film in Development
Basketball Legend to Write Sherlock Holmes Comic
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