This show has never failed to deliver.

What you need to know:
Viewers of Homeland thought Season 5 of would pick up where season 4 left off. An emotionally distraught Carrie Mathison is balancing caring for her child with the deceased Damien Brody, starting a new relationship with Jonas Happich, while still being a full time CIA agent or so we thought.
In the season 5 premier, Carrie is no longer affiliated with the CIA, but instead works with a new company in hopes of bringing peace to Syria. Carrie is once again putting her life on the line; nothing new right? But this time there is a twist. Seems like someone wants Carrie dead at all costs.

While she is in Syria protecting an asset, the truck that they are in is nearly destroyed by an explosion. Believing that her asset was the target, Carrie has him flown back to the states in hopes that he will be safer there. She decides to stay in Syria to find out who tried to kill him. Only to learn hours later that she was the intended target. Carrie must now not only survive the assassination attempts, but find out who is trying to kill her.

Meanwhile a CIA operative and assassin known as Peter Quinn is seen eliminating someone in episode 2 for an unknown superior. The unknown entity then sends Peter the information on another target in an encrypted message. Once decrypted, the message reads…Carrie Matheson. Yes ladies and gentleman, his friend.
Will Quinn carry on with his mission and try to kill Carrie? Could the assassination attempt on Carrie earlier in the episode be connected to the people that Quinn is working for? I guess we will find out more details in episode 3.
My Thoughts:
I liked the fast paced action of the first 2 episodes as well as the suspense. I really want to know who is trying to kill Carrie and why. I’m glad that the writers have given Carrie a new love interest because it creates a new dynamic in her life. She hasn't been with anyone else since Brody. The best part about this new relationship with Jonas is that he is also a government employee. That means no unnecessary secrets and lies. They can be themselves around each other. As far as dislikes. There are none. This show has never failed to deliver. Until next time guys!
Rating: 10/10 Power Ups