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Poll: Who is the Sexiest DC Character?
Which DC Vixen is the sexist? Vixen, Power Girl, or Harley Quinn?
Deadline: 05/29/2016
Quiz: Are You a Heroe or a Villian?
Are you a hero or a villian. Take our quiz and find out which side you fall on.
Poll: What Movie are You Most Looking Forward to in 2016?
What is your favorite movie of 2015?
Deadline: 01/09/2016
Quiz: Which Once Upon a Time Character are You?
Which Once Upon a Time character are you? Are you Regina, Zelena, Emma, Belle, or Snow? Complete the quiz by clicking the start button belowand find out
Poll: What TV shows should we cover this winter break?
We want to know what TV Shows you guys think we should cover during the winter break. Let us know by partiipating in the poll.
Deadline: 12/31/2015
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