This latest episode of homeland delivers once again.

Carrie sends her daughter back to the United States to be with her aunt while she stays in Berlin to find out who is trying to kill her. On the ride home, Carrie and her boyfriend Jonas get into an argument over trust issues so she's asks him to stop at a restaurant and it is there that she tells him why she has been acting strange the past couple days. You see, Carrie is bipolar and is able to concentrate better when she is not on her meds. She confesses this to her boyfriend in hopes that he will help her with something.
Back at their house, Carrie shows Jonas a room that is filled with pictures of people and things she has come across the past 6 years. Carrie then tells Jonas that she has been off her meds for the past 3 days because she is able to work better under stressful situations. She then warns him of how she can get when she is not on her meds and asks him to give her some should she get to out of control. The two then do research into every person on every picture in the room, because Carrie believes one of them is trying to kill her.

Meanwhile at the CIA Headquarters. The CIA chief of Berlin named Allison (Miranda Otto) and former CIA chief of the USA, Saul (Mandy Patinkin), are trying to locate Carrie's whereabouts and keep an eye on her. Carrie and Jonas hid themselves from everyone. The reason is Carrie no longer works for the CIA so she doesn't trust them.
We then see a Berlin journalist by the name of Laura (Sarah Sokolovic) who wants to team up with a hacker who leaked confidential CIA files earlier in the season. This also puts a target on Laura's back because she stands firmly behind in what she believes in, no matter the cost.

We then see Carrie and Jonas again at the hideout house they researching articles related to the pictures on the wall once again. Jonas then sees a file that has the name of innocent civilians on it. Carries then admits that they were killed under her watch as station chief while trying to catch a terrorist, as we saw last season. Too much for Jonas to take in, he leaves and goes for a walk only to return the next morning to find Carrie still in the room doing research.
We see Peter Quinn sitting outside in a car. He goes into the establishment across the street and kidnaps a little boy under the guise of an arrest. Peter ties the boy up and puts him in the back of a truck and drives off.
Back at the house Carrie and Jonas argue, once again, when Jonas tries to get Carrie to take her meds. She doesn't want to because she won't be able to see things clearly. He then threatens to call 911 revealing their location if she doesn't. Carrie takes the pills. At this point Jonas gets a phone call from his ex-wife, telling him that their son has been arrested. Jonas then calls the Berlin police station only to find out that there is no record of his son being arrested at any station in Berlin. Peter traces the phone call by Jonas that is made to the station and is able to get their location.
A bipolar Carrie realizes what's going on and warns Jonas that the person who that is trying to kill her is on his way to their house. But Jonas doesn't care, he just wants his son back. Jonas leaves the house and heads to the car. We then see Peter pull up to an unknown location with the truck. He gets out, opens the back and tells the boy that someone will find him before dinner time. He then gets into another car and drives off.
Back at Carrie's house, we see her grab a bag and take off into the woods in the back of the house. Jonas then comes back in looking for her and once he realizes that she's gone, he gets into his car and drives off. Carrie runs deeper into the woods and opens the bag. She takes out a sniper rifle and loads it with ammo. She sits there for several hours until dark when she finally sees a car pull up. Peter gets out with a silenced pistol and night vision googles and cautiously heads to the back door. Carrie is watching Peter through her scope but at this point she still doesn't know that it's him because it's dark and his face is masked by a hoodie.

Peter walks closer to the house and looks inside with his night vision googles. At this point we then see Carrie aim her sniper at Peter and shoots him in the back. Peter then falls to the ground. Carrie then proceeds to cautiously walk toward the house but when she looks through her scope again, Peter is not there. He then surprises her from behind, and puts her in a chokehold until she loses consciousness. He takes off his hoodie, revealing a bulletproof vest under it. He then injects a needle into Carrie's arm and the episode ends.
I really liked this episode. Jonas got to see the coo-coo bananas side of Carrie when she is not on her meds. It's obvious that Peter will do whatever it takes to lure a target that's hiding into the open. Even if that means kidnapping the target’s boyfriend’s son.
I'm exasperated with Allison. I feel as if her character is incompetent and boring. She adds nothing to the story, in my opinion. What's the point of being a station chief if you can't even do your job right? On the bright side I'm really starting to like the Laura character. That chick is dedicated to her job of being a journalist. And she gives zero fucks about who she is hurting in the process. She has heart, I like that.
I'm hoping that the relationship between Carrie and Saul will get better. Those two have been through a lot together. Especially last season. I'm just waiting to see what's going to happen to Carrie now that Peter has her. The bigger question is why hasn't he killed her? I guess we will find out next Sunday!
Final Score: 10/10 Power Ups