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TV Reviews: Heroes Reborn: S1E5: The Lion's Den

Throughout the entire series, Tommy has been saying that he is meant for something bigger and when he finally finds his heroic destiny he rejects it and teleports away. So this whole recap is Tommy and his mother getting hit by a truck. His mother is critically injured so he teleports her to a hospital. She is about to die without blood so what does Tommy do in a world where your blood can reveal you as an evo? I will tell you. He does the one thing his mother has been trying to prevent his entire life! He gets his blood tested (because that makes complete sense). But wait! Their blood doesn’t match so Tommy teleports to the nearest blood bank 2 hours away, steals blood, comes back and now guess who’s been discovered… that’s right Tommy!

Now Tommy has to register as an evo and by the way, the person you thought was your mother can’t possibly be your mother. Thanks blood test! You just keep getting better. So what does teenage Tommy do? He blames the woman who raised him for not telling him. No thanks for running and protecting me for my entire life. This brat is completely indigent about not being told he was adopt. Of course, that’s when penny for your thoughts guy shows up with his heroic quest… save your father because only you can. To which tommy says no after whining the entire series about wanting more and using his power to save people. When given the opportunity, he rejects it like the brat that he is. As each episode airs, I’m really starting to dislike Tommy.

Claire 2.0 Spends the whole day in a barn, doing nothing until the last 10 minutes of the show. Malena gets shot and captured while trying to protect Claire 2.0 whose power can’t work against darkness or shadow. I’m honestly not sure what the other girl controls. It could just as well be black ink for all I know and I’m not exactly sure how it’s scary. I feel like this series needs to pick a villain because it keeps adding people that are supposed to be scary and I just end up being confused by their power and annoyed that they aren’t as good as Sylar. Where is my psychopath Heroes: Reborn? Please give me a real villain.

Harris, again, fails at his job. He is sent to capture Claire 2.0 with evo detecting glasses and she manages to hide on a truck filled with tree trunks and get away. He had glasses that can see evos within a 100 yards and couldn’t catch her before the truck pulls off. He has to be the most incompetent employee ever. Why does this man still have a job if he can’t complete his mission? And where do I find a job where I can fail to perform every single day and still get a paycheck?

Luke and Joanne are now forced to go their separate ways since Luke is now an evo who’s basically a human solar panel. He learns to control his new power (or at least focus it) in one episode. I’m sure that this is supposed to be sad but I’m not emotionally invested in either of these characters enough to care about the end of their marriage, which seemed over a long time ago. I’m also not invested in the death of their son who the story keeps trying to make me care about. I get it, the reason you started killing evos is because of the death of your son but neither of these two characters was evil enough to warrant full villain status. They may have killed evos but the fact that they had a “justified” backstory to why they killed makes them, at most, misguided killers. However, when you factor in that Luke has remorse and is the “Brains” of the operation, it becomes less evil and more boring.

Miko manages to steal back the sword from none other than 3 Harris’ with guns by jumping into a glass window (no cuts by the way). One Harris has a gun pointed at her and has a clear shot but she still manages to slowly unsheathe the sword and escape.

Noah spends the whole episode asking questions and getting few to no answers. Leaving me asking why Noah is even needed in the show. It really could go on without him or without a Noah 2.0.

The Review:

I want to like this show. I really do but with each passing week I find myself wishing they had never brought it back and gotten my hopes up. How far you’ve fallen from your previous glory Heroes. This is definitely one show that should have stayed cancelled. When this show finally does get cancelled again, bury it deep so that it will never see television again.

Final Score: 5/10 Power Ups


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