This whole time Miko is looking in the game for her father. I can go along with that; a daughter risking everything for a loving parent but now suddenly he’s not her father; it’s Hiro. How do you trap a master of time and space in a video game? Why didn’t he rewind to before he was trapped and bam freedom? Then, at the worst possible moment, after being in a coffee shop all day, Ren’s computer battery dies a few minutes into the battle. So he climbs a fence and hops into a box. He doesn’t know where the box is going, or how long it will take to get there but sure, climbing into a box inside an already established evil corporation sounds like a good idea. Ren confesses his love for Miko before she walks into certain doom. Surprise! Miko isn’t real. She is just a virus that can move freely from video games to reality and has to die to save Hiro. I’m sure this is meant to be a sad moment but I really have no emotional attachment to any of the character on this show. None of them are acting realistically in the situations presented and if anything, the more the story unfolds the less believable it becomes.

Tommy abandons his sick mother in the hospital to go to Paris with his crush because he is adopted and needs to get away. I’m guessing he forgot about the tracker that was put inside of him with a set radius. He can’t leave. Of course the French guards who try to stop Tommy from going to see the view understand English well enough to call for back up when he makes a threat but can barely get a sentence out to tell him he can’t go up. Seems completely reasonable. He teleports out and, oh no, crush is mad that he did something dangerous. Not like leaving the country with a microchip that no one seems to be monitoring. Finally at the end of the episode Tommy and his crush remember to remove the microchip after they have been half way around the world and no one tried to stop or capture them. What is the point of the microchip if no one is monitoring it? Are they really anti evo or just tracking migration patterns? Especially if they can’t tell if it’s been removed from the body.

Claire 2.0 has been hiding in the mountains her entire life but of course when she sees Luke dive into a lake with a backpack she instantly uses her powers, in the middle of broad daylight, to save him because he brought her a candy bar. Why doesn’t she just jump in and swim to him you ask? I’m wondering the same thing. Now Luke and Claire 2.0 are looking for Tommy to help save the world but wait didn’t Luke try to kill Tommy? I’m sure Tommy will have no problems trusting him though.

Noah and his sidekick find their way into the heart of Renautas (with the help of Harris) where they find Ren who is apparently on a conveyor belt to the future. Noah’s sidekick finally finds the sister he has been looking for the entire series but she is now evil. Since Noah’s sidekick distracted her she killed him. She killed her own brother and that is the cold hearted villain I was looking for this entire series. She sadly didn’t get enough screen time and was ruined by trying to explain why she is doing her evil deeds. Everyone doesn’t need to have a reason. Some people are just evil. He hadn’t seen his sister in a year. Who knows what kind of torture she endured. Why couldn’t they just leave her as a silent killer or limit her to a few words an episode to make her scarier?

Hiro manages to save Noah then rewinds time to the day of the bombing after Noah promises to not step on any butterflies.
The Review:
The score says it all. I can't keep repeating how dissapointed I am in this series.
Final Score: 6/10 Power Ups