This episode starts in the past and before I watch it I’m letting it be known that if they negate the entire first few episodes of the series, I’m out. I will not be x-men-ed again.
...One Hour Later...
Hiro and Noah are now back in the past trying to change things without causing too much damage to an already ruined future. I’m wondering, if it’s already ruined does it matter if they call in a bomb threat to the human-evo summit?

We finally see Phoebe (Noah’s sidekick’s sister) as she begins her path to villainy and apparently her power allows her to dampen the powers of others. In order to keep her in line, Renuatas threatens her brother which would be fine if she didn’t just kill her brother last episode. This leaves me wondering why she went through everything if in the end her brother’s life meant so little to her. Phoebe’s job is to cover the summit in darkness so the evo’s can’t escape.

We finally see Luke and Joanne’s son who can’t be indirect sunlight kind of a horrible evo ability and considering he is worth a killing spree, I kinda expected him to have more character development but nope all I needed to know was the sunlight thing.
So we finally find out how Hiro gets trapped inside the game by a trusted friend. Isn’t that always how it goes? Clearly Erica (Evil Mom) hated evos which is the reason she is trying to teleport “normal” humans to a safer future. Apparently evolution needs to be controlled because that’s how things evolve.
Original Claire died in childbirth which still doesn’t make sense because she can heal so the question is why wasn’t she healing as the children were being born? So Tommy and Claire 2.0 are original Claire’s kids; the ones that are going to save the world. They are taken back to the past and allowed to age until they are both 15. They are completely separated from each other and raised in vastly different environments. However, they are fated to come together again and save the world.

The only time Harris has ever been effective at his job is against Mohinder. That is until Hiro shows up and saves the day but not before cutting off Harris’ arms and creating duplicates that he can’t destroy. Apparently it will cause too many ripples in time. Hiro basically fails to save anyone and thousands die at the summit because too many ripples and the future would be ruined. It’s not like they changed the future in heroes…ever. Also it’s not like they didn’t abandon people in alternate realities either but whatever, I guess.
The Review:
The more I watch this the more annoyed I get that I’m watching it. With each passing episode I think it can’t get any worse and every week I’m proven wrong. This show is a zombie. It is rotting flesh of everything that was great about the original Heroes. It has fallen off and now all we are left with is something we use to know and love trying to eat our brains.
Final Score: 3/10 Power Ups