This episode was amazing. Just as the title suggests, we found out plenty of answers about what’s going on and how the girl’s father played a role.
We start the episode with Lenard making tea for himself and Shayla who is on the couch watching over a sleeping Lucy. While drinking the tea, Shayla begins to explain to Lenard her background. She admitted that she and Lucy aren’t close. Apparently, Shayla was sent off to boarding school and during that time her father remarried and Lucy was born. She admits that she was so angry with her father for sending her away that she took it out on anyone connected to him. She didn’t even call them to see how they were doing after Lucy’s mother passed. She put boys and work before her family. Shayla was surprised and delighted when her father begged her to move back home. She decided to take up residency close to her family because at the end of the day, all you really have is family.
Lenard explains that when Shayla was very young, her mother became sick. Her father was working on the cure but she died before he could give her the cure. Stricken with grief, Shayla’s father gave her mother the cure anyway and she came back to life but she wasn’t the same. She died again shortly after. Shayla’s father buried her mother’s body in order to hide what he had done from his government employers but they found out anyway. They wanted to use Charles’ treatment for their own purposes but he refused and when they threatened Shayla’s life, he skipped town.
Charles started a new family with Lucy’s mother and while she was pregnant, she was kidnapped by the government and given the virus, forcing Charles to create a cure. Charles gave Lucy’s mother the cure for his strain of the virus but she died anyway. He took baby Lucy and ran again. He created the cure for the government’s strain and gave it to Lucy as a baby. So Lucy has the cure for both viruses running through her veins while Shayla has the cure for her father’s strain. Both girls are immune.
Lenard warns Shayla that she has to protect Lucy because the government will kill her. They will extract the cure from her and then kill her in order to make sure they can monetize the cure effectively. Lucy overhears their entire conversation.
After learning all of this Lenard and Shayla go to bed but they did not get much sleep. The government knew where they were and was coming to get them. Lenard gives Shayla all of his weapons and ushers them to a trap door. He tells Shayla that her life is running, hiding and surviving; do not stay in the same place no matter how comfortable you get. The girls leave and Lenard stays behind because he believes his job is done.
The Review:
I loved getting the backstory on Shayla and her relationship with her family. We know what happened with both girl’s mothers. We know that the government possibly has their father. We also know that Lucy is the cure to all of this.
The only issue I had with this episode was the amount of exposition. I always think it is best to show your audience what happened rather than tell them. In this case, if they had Lenard narrate the story while we see what happened with Charles it would have made for a more powerful presentation. We got a little bit of that when we saw Charlie with Shayla’s zombiefied mother.
I think one of the most important tidbits that came out of this episode that there is a cure for the infected. I would like to see how Shayla handles herself from this point forward. Will she take a person’s life knowing that all of this can be reversed?
I’m not happy about Lucy being the cure. The less of this actress, the better. This episode proved this to be true. Lucy did not have one line in this episode and this was the best one so far. I’m just saying. Anyway, great episode. Let me know what you think down in the comments.
Final Score: 10/10 Power Ups