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TV Reviews: The Flash: S2E3: Family of Rogues

Iris calls Barry asking for help. She is stuck in The Golden Tower with two nefarious men, firing guns at her. Concerned, Barry tells her to trust him by jumping out of the window. Iris does as he requests; screaming all the way down. Just then, the flash appeared, catching her in mid-air and brings her to safety. He rushes to disarm the two men before returning. Iris informs him that she was investigating a real estate scam. They hug before going their separate ways.

The team tries to figure out how Zoom uses the breaches. Barry tries to use his speed to jump through. Jay says they need to stabilize the breach and create a speed cannon. Cisco says that he and Jay should hang out more.

Francine and Joe meet in a bar. Joe tries to pay his wife money to leave town but Francine says she is not leaving and that she understands what Iris is going through. She lost the love of her life too.

Barry and Patty run in to each other at the coffee bar, almost literally. Barry invites her to join him and his friends. She tells him that she has to go to work. Cisco bumps into Lisa Snart while mimicking Dr. Stein. She asks for Cisco and the Flashes help because her brother has been kidnapped.

The Flash: Lisa explains to #TeamFlash about her father

Back at S.T.A.R Labs, Lisa explains that Captain Cold was kidnapped while they were in the middle of a heist. She did not get a chance to see who or where they took him because someone hit her in the back of the head, rendering her unconscious.

Barry locates Captain Cold who says he doesn’t need any help before freezing him in place. A man comes out and it is revealed that Snart is working for his father. Both criminals leave Barry to his own devices. Luckily, Cisco installed some type of defroster in Barry’s suit.

Later, Lisa explains that Lenard would never work for their father because Louis Snart is a real bad guy. Lisa reveals that she didn’t get her scars from being a criminal; she got them from being a daughter. She leaves the team. Cisco follows and she explain her abusive history in further detail.

Joe attempts to tell Iris what is going on with her mother but Iris gets called away for work.

Barry and Lenard meet at a bar. Barry asks him what’s going on but Lenard tells him to mind his own business.

Joe confides in Barry about Francine. Barry encourages him to tell Iris and reassures Joe that Iris will understand and forgive. He says she will know that he made his decision out of love. However, Joe is still worried that revealing that he lied to her for 20 years will cause him to lose his daughter for good.

Lenard and Louis are in the middle of planning a heist with a “tech guy” when Louis kills the man for talking to his son unfavorably. He pushes a button and the man’s head explodes.

Patty, Barry, and Joe are at the crime scene. She reveal’s the tech guy’s decapitated body. Patty asks if it was a meta human with the power to explode people’s heads off. Joe reveals that the guy used to work with Louis Snart. Barry then tells Joe that he believes that Louis put a bomb in Lisa’s head and that is why Lenard his working for his father.

Caitlin has a scene with Jay where she is telling him that even without his powers, he is a super hero.

The team runs tests on Lisa and reveals she has thermite residue on her skin. He tells them that he needs time to figure a way to extract the bomb. Barry says that he will go undercover as Lenard’s new tech guy in order to keep an eye on him. Louis quizzes Barry on the type of safe he will need to crack. Barry passes and Louis accepts him on the team.

In a touching scene, Joe tells Iris that her mother is alive and explains why he lied to her. Iris accepts it and tells him that she understands.

Team Flash tries to extract the bomb out of Lisa but Cisco reveals that if the bomb touches oxygen it will explode.

Barry, Louis, and Lenard go through with heist. Several times throughout, Louis attempts to murder people but Barry manages to save them. Once Barry unlocks the vault, Louis shoots Barry in the chest and proceeds into the vault.. Lenard apologizes to Barry.

Cisco extracts the bomb from Lisa by using a pressurized gun that acts like a miniature vacuum. Once Lenard knows that his sister is safe, he shoots his father in the heart with the ice gun. He then explains that since his father broke his sister heart, he thought it would be fair if he broke his.

Barry visit’s Lenard in prison. Lenard says that he won’t be there for long. Barry says that he believes there is good in Captain Cold.In the same scene, Joe reveals that Iris is going to meet with her mother. He thanks Barry for his help.

Back in the coffee bar, Patty gives Barry her number awkwardly and Lisa tells Cisco that he is her only friend.

Back at S.T.A.R Labs, Jay shows the team that he has completed the speed cannon and it is time for him to return home. Caitlin convinces him to stay after he refuses several times. Cisco and Barry share a knowing look. It’s obvious that Caitlin has a crush on Jay.

Dr. Stein has another freak-out moment when flames start to shoot from his limbs. The team takes him to the med bay to figure out what is going on.

The Last scene is Earth-2 Dr. Wells walking through the stabilized breach.


I have to tell you that as a WestAllen shipper, I nearly fainted from the first scene. The look of utter concern in Barry’s face when he heard the gunshots in the background; the way he asked her to trust him, made me swoon. I seriously cannot wait for Barry and Iris to become tv cannon. It is obvious how much they know and care for one another. Even this is something I really want, I can’t deny that the Patty character is supposed to be Barry’s love interest. I believe that she will just be another Linda; a distraction until Iris and Barry are ready to commit to one another. Unfortunately, I do not see Barry and Iris accepting a relationship until late season 2 or early season 3. I will love watching the stolen glances, awkward moment, and tender moments.

Speaking of tender moments, the scene with Jesse L. Martin and Candece Patton was incredibly touching. They did an amazing job showing the complexities of dealing with deception, family, and love. If I were Iris, can’t say that I would have reacted the same way but seeing Joe breakdown out of the fear of losing his daughter touched my heart deeply. Jesse L. Martin was the true MVP on last night’s episode. Now I just wonder what this means for Iris and her mother. How will they rebuild their relationship?

Cisco and have really great chemistry but I’m not sure how well he can handle a bad girl. He is so naive that I am sure he would not know if he was being manipulated but I would still love to see more scenes between the two. When they are on screen together, they sizzle. I will say that I really missed learning more about Cisco’s power but that may be on the back burner for a few episodes.

I’m not going to dwell on Caitlin and Jay. I am going to say that if there was a thirst award, Caitlin would be the winner with no competition.

I cannot wait to see Barry and Dr. Wells meet but I don’t know if it will happen next episode until a few episodes down the line. I don’t think the writers will present something so crucial this soon. Anyway, I loved the episode and once again, I can’t wait until next week.

Final Score: 10/10 Power Ups


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