Movie Reviews: Dracula Untold (2014)This story follows Vlad, the prince of Transylvania, as he struggles to save his people and family from war. This is one of the better...
Movie Reviews: Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials (2015)Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials is the continuation of 2014 Maze Runner. Scorch Trials is about a boy named Thomas (Dylan O’Brien) who...
Movie Reviews: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)I recently saw Batman V Superman, a movie whose major draw is two superhero titans fighting it out across both Gotham and Metropolis....
First Look at the Justice League CastThe "Batman v Superman" movie is right around the corner and although it has been met by mixed reception by critics, fans are still...
Movie Reviews: Seventh Son (2014)I decided that I wanted to flashback to 2014 and review one of the movies that showed potential but ultimately succumbed to YA overload....
Why Zack Snyder Rejected Grant Gustin's Flash for DCEUIn an interview with the New York Daily News, Zack Snyder revealed the answer to the question that fans have been asking since it was...
Movie Review: Deadpool (2016)This was a difficult movie to review because of all of the hype that was surrounding it. I did not want to get caught up in all of the...
Loveless Valentine MoviesAre you anti-Valentine's? Or are you single and wish people would stop rubbing your face in it? Well, check out our list of movies that...
10 Movies You Can't Miss This YearIn a time of recycled heroes, revival and remakes this list is exactly that however there are a few originals that make this list even...
Movie Reviews: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Spoiler-Free)The Star Wars: The Force Awakens movie just hit theaters and I thought it would be great to share this experience with you all without...