This was a difficult movie to review because of all of the hype that was surrounding it. I did not want to get caught up in all of the exciting fans that will no doubt falling all over themselves and fawning over Ryan Reynolds. However, none of this can be helped because the movie was excellent in its presentation and Ryan Reynolds was, indeed, Deadpool; they are one in the same and it was amazing. From the opening credits to the special end credits, there was nothing but laugh out loud moments and amazing action scenes.
What I dreaded the most about going into this film was all of the scenes in the trailers. This is not to say that the trailers were awful, they were funny. I just hoped that all of the best jokes were not in the trailers. I am glad to say that they weren’t. The majority of the scenes in the trailers were shown within the first thirty minutes of the movie and from that point, it is a ride into the world of Deadpool and finding out who this character is.
I am not one of these people who were extremely familiar with the Deadpool comics, video games, or animated features. So going into this film, I had no expectations on what I should see or who Deadpool was, originally. What I can say is that the character that was presented to me was not only comically hilarious but also relatable. I am not certain about other people’s morality system, but I am not a superhero; I am not a paragon of virtue. I am just a woman who takes one day at a time and when presented with an opportunity I either make a selfish or selfless decision, depending on my mood at the moment.
The standout of this film, besides Ryan Reynolds, was Morena Baccarin, who played his love interest, Vanessa. In many superhero films, the main love interest of the male lead is normally either a damsel in distress or an extremely intelligent woman without any skills in survive. Consequently, because of these unsatisfying portrayals of women, I find myself disliking the character, as well as the movie. This is totally different. Vanessa is a Wade Wilson’s equal in all facets of his life except for when it comes to super-powered abilities. She is quick witted, nerdy, beautiful, and a fighter. In addition to her previously mentioned traits, she is absolutely insane, but a woman in touch with her sexuality. Morena and Ryan have amazing chemistry and I can’t wait to see more of it.
Another hilarious character was Colossus, voiced by Stefan Kapicic, the Russian big brother of the series. In his task to recruit Deadpool for the X-men, he often gave our wayward protagonist advice on being a hero in hilarious ways. I really want to see more of this actor in the next Deadpool film. That’s right people. There may be a Deadpool 2 film, according to Deadpool himself.
At the end of the movie, after the end credits, Mr. Deadpool informs us that there will be a sequel and it will feature Cable. In case you all did not know. Cable is the time traveling son of Madelyne Pryor and Cyclops and is the enemy/ally of Deadpool. There is a comic called “Cable and Deadpool.” I don’t know which story arc they will be using but I hope there is, even more, crossover with the X-men franchise. In summary, this movie was kick ass and I loved it. I highly recommend this film to anyone that is a fan of comedy and/or action with a little romance sprinkled in.
Final Score: 10/10