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Movie Reviews: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Spoiler-Free)

The Star Wars: The Force Awakens movie just hit theaters and I thought it would be great to share this experience with you all without actually spoiling anyone on the plot points of the film itself. Needless to say, this is an extremely difficult task. I would like to write and share with you all everything that wowed me but what I can tell you is that I would hard pressed to find someone who could not appreciate what J.J. Abrams was able to do with this beloved franchise. This movie did not disappoint me in the least and should be viewed in theaters with all of the extras.

I viewed this film in IMAX 3D and the upcharge was worth it. The sound was crisp and the score complimented the film well and did not overpower the scenes. I did not have a moment when I had to try to figure out what the actor was saying because the score was incredibly loud (I'm looking at you Dark Knight). The color scheme was as richand vibrant as the colors in the poster. This film had actual light which was missing in other highly coveted geek films and the 3D was done spectatcularly. I sat in the front row and felt myself move a few times trying to avoid the 3D projectiles.

The acting and writing was perfect. There are many quips between the characters that will having you chuckling within the first 10 minutes of the film. Daisy Ridley and Jon Boyega played the dramatic and comedic notes exceptionally well. I went into this movie just knowing that I wouldn't like the two new additions but they won me over quickly. In fact, I loved everyone except Kylo Ren. In the beginning, he was terrifying and likeable at the same time. he had a charisma about him that was very alluring but later on, my feeling towards him changed and I started to get an Anaken vibe from him.

The scenes between Leia and Han Solo were touching and hit me right in the feels. When they appeared on screen, I had an overwhelming sensation that I did not think would happen. While I appreciate the Star Wars franchise, I would not consider myself a fan to the degree of some but this film made me want to immerse myself into this world and find all of the secrets of the original characters, as well as the new. I absolutely cannot wait until the next film in the franchise is released! I want more!

Final Score:10/10 Power Ups


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