In a time of recycled heroes, revival and remakes this list is exactly that however there are a few originals that make this list even more magical.

In no particular order, these are the movies we are looking forward to the most this year.
Ghostbusters: Who you gonna call? This remake I have been waiting for since childhood. Ghostbusters was a cult phenomenon leading to jokes, catchphrases and merchandising galore. Now rebooted with the female cast including Melissa McCarthy and Kirsten Wiig this can either go really well or be horrible and I’ll be front and center to see which way the hate will blow.
Dr. strange: While this is popular among nerd like myself I feel like this might flop in theaters Dr. strange to the layman would have to be wither exceeding attractive (which I don’t think benedict Cumberbatch fits) or stand out among all the other superhero movies that are coming out this year which it also doesn’t. I’ll watch this movie crash and burn though as a fan what else can I do?
Star Trek:Beyond: This is the third installment in the Star Trek Series.The previous two were great. While I wasn't excited by the trailer, I am going to give this movie the benefit of the doubt.
Deadpool: The previews of this movie are surprisingly good. I have never wanted to see Ryan Reynolds more than I do as Deadpool. If you don’t know who deadpool is where have you been? Deadpool is a sarcastic antihero that frequently breaks the fourth wall. Deadpool is love which is why he comes to theaters Valentines weekend. If his twitter is any indication this movie will be hilarious.
Captain America: Civil War: Just seeing a fight on epic porportions is all that needs to be said.
Through the Looking Glass: The next installment sends alice back in time and back to wonderland where we once again meet the crazy cast of characters. Back into tim burton’s rendition of wonderland were we revisit many of our favorite characters. Most importantly I’ll finally be able to have a conversation about the sequel to Alice in wonderland. While tim burton isn’t true to the actual book which is set 6 months later hopeful they keep the key elements that make this amazing while also not corrupting my childhood.
Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice In the ultimate case of jealousy batman is angry that no one is checking on superman who has superpowers. Batman who has a super suit feels that he should have the right to “check” Superman. This also bring to a head the who would win in a fight question… obviously superman who has actual superpowers. Not to mention the nerd rage of ben Affleck playing batman and wonder woman being added to the mix for no reason at all.
Suicide Squad: Will smith as deadshot, Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn and they even added Viola Davis for good measure. In exchange for shorter prison sentences the government lets dangerous criminals “save the day”. While I’m not sure why they released this before the justice league but I’ll watch in part to see if Jared leto can compare to heath ledgers joker.
Fantastic Beast and Where to find them: We step back into a fantasy world from my childhood while it doesn’t give us Harry, Ron and Hermione we get a new hero and writer of textbooks Newt Scamander. It is set twenty years before the harry potter series so I doubt that we will see any of the main character and since its set in New York but maybe we’ll see James and Lily. Either way I’m looking forward to another romp in J.K. Rowling’s world since she wrote the screenplay.
Star Wars: Rogue One: Not much is known about this movie but it gives us another peek into the Star Wars universe. We can possibly see a young Han Solo.