Anime Reviews: Ouran High School Host Club"Ouran High School Host Club" is an anime based on a manga series by the same name. The series follows Haruhi Fujioka, a scholarship...
Movie Reviews: Existentialism and Technology: How "Ghost in the Shell" (1995) Defines ModeThrough the years, "Ghost in the Shell" has spawned both its own series of movies and shows and influenced much of the science fiction...
Anime Review: Glitter Force is a Bastardized Sailor MoonThe title tells you how I feel about this show but I’ll provide a quick rundown of all things Glitter Force; from the characters to the...
Anime Review: Love Stage: A Cross Dressing CockteaseThe story follows Izumi Sena, an 18yr college attendee that is doing everything in his power to steer clear of the family business. His...
Anime Reviews: Sword Art Online: Season OneSword Art Online (SAO) is the story of a young gamer named Kirito (real name: Kirigaya Kazuto) who excitedly gets the newest game called...