The title tells you how I feel about this show but I’ll provide a quick rundown of all things Glitter Force; from the characters to the storyline and maybe even a few plot points. Glitter Force is the American name of the Japanese show Pretty Cure
The story follows five preteen girls who form the Glitter Force and defend the earth from fairytale villains who want to give everyone unhappy endings and revive the evil emperor. The girls must collect charms to revive the queen of Jubiland (where fairytale characters reside). Each girl can only use their move one time in battle, which makes it ineffective if they miss the target. As the series progresses and they obtain more charms, they receive upgraded transformations like Tiara Mode and Princess Form.
Emily is the leader. Her signature move is “Sparkle Storm” which is a ball of pink light. She is clumsy and is generally happy and optimistic about situations the group faces. When she is transformed, she becomes Glitter Lucky.

April is the eldest of six siblings and is the captain of the school soccer team. She is easily frustrated and has a strong sense of justice. When transformed, she can manipulate the wind and gain super speed. Her signature move is the “Sparkle Shot” where she kicks a magical ball that she materializes. When transformed, she becomes Glitter Spring.
Lily is a shy young girl who tends to cry easily. She has a stubborn streak when she cares about someone or something. She enjoys art, specifically, drawing and painting superheroes. Her signature move is “Sparkle Lightning” which is lightning shot directly at the enemy from her finger tips. When transformed, she becomes Glitter Peace.

Chloe is the student council vice president and a member of the archery club. She has a very serious demeanor but has a terrible temper when angered. Her attacks are ice based and her signature move is “Sparkle Blizzard”. When transformed, she becomes Glitter Breeze.
Kelsey is passionate about all sports and is the joker of the group; making light of stressing situations and providing occasional comic relief. Her family owns a restaurant which allows her to bring meals for the group sporadically. Her signature move is “Fire Spike” in which she creates a ball of fire and spikes it at the enemy. When transformed, she becomes Glitter Sunny.
Review: Do you want to watch a poorly made remake of Sailor Moon that is dumbed down for children? If so, this is for you. Glitter Force features “makeup” that empowers young woman while simultaneously tackling life lessons such as friendship and believing in yourself. Besides the obvious issues with women finding power with makeup and their looks (we’ll get to that later), the real problem is that they literally stole my childhood, watered it down, and said if you enjoyed that, then here try this.

While it’s not the worst thing I’ve ever seen, it's still backwash that you handed me. The show features to power up compacts that brainwash young girls onto thinking makeup is a source of power. Now I must say that I’m not anti-makeup however the idea that to “defeat” the enemy you need a power up compact and “makeup” as your armor is ridiculous. To tell young girls that makeup and visual components make you strong is deeply flawed. Young girls should be empowered by the intellect and not have societal beauty standards pushed on them in childhood. The world is 0horrible enough why have cartoons encourage unrealistic standards of what beauty should be?

Again, I must mention that it is a carbon copy of Sailor Moon, which is also a part of where my contempt for this show comes from. Everything that was good about Sailor Moon, this show stole, diluted and added makeup. That is the entire show!!!!! I have no idea how this even got made but if you want to see a part of your childhood crushed and mixed with fairy tales and makeup, watch this show.
Final Rating: Total System Failure (1/5)