Executive Producers Aaron and Todd Helbing warns "The Flash" fans not to miss the last five minutes of tomorrow night's episode in the latest "The Flash" promo. This has gotten all of the fans excited and brimming with anticipation for the upcoming episode.
Overpowered Entertainment has been covering the news about the upcoming crossover episode between "The Flash" and "Supergirl" and a hint about how Barry will be transported into the alternate universe of "Supergirl" may be in the promo.
In the promo, it is revealed that Barry is once again up against a faster speedster, the only difference this time around is that Trajectory is a female speedster. Barry states that he wants to be fast enough to stop Zoom and any speedster that tries to cause harm to his friends in family. This could be a hint of how Barry will be able to travel to an alternate universe. We know that when the young speedster was trying to save Central City from a tsunami that he speed around the city so fast that he punched a whole in the fabric of time. This may occur in the upcoming episode. In an attempt to catch Trajectory, Barry may travel at such a high speed that he travels across dimensions and lands in National City.
Besides the setup for the Supergirl/The Flash crossover, the promo also showed an adorable scene between the lovable Team Flash as they party awkwardly in a club. We even get a WestAllen moment in which Iris tells Barry that if they ever do end up getting married, that they should not enlist the dance moves of Cisco at their wedding.
Team Flash hits the club tomorrow at 8/7c