Eddie McClintock, as Colonel James Harper, is slated to appear on Supergirl in next week’s episode. This is airing a week prior to the highly anticipated Supergirl/ The Flash crossover event. In the comics, James Harper, is a police officer whose alter ego is known as Guardian.
Guardian is a shield wielding superhero with superhuman strength and agility. He is closely tied to the Cadmus project, Jimmy Olsen, and Roy Harper (also known as Speedy/Red Arrow). Some consider The Guardian to be the Captain America of the DC universe because of his impressive abilities, shield, and blue costume. While there hasn’t been any confirmation on whether James Harper will be dawning The Guardian costume, or if he will be a reoccurring character, it is unlikely that the writers on these amazing shows would insert such an amazing character without taking advantage of his place within the DCU.
Could executive producer, Greg Berlanti, be gearing up for another crossover event? We know that James Harper has ties to both Supergirl and The Arrow universes because of his relationship to various characters in the DCU but there have also been hints about Cadmus on both The Arrow and The Flash television series.
Perhaps in the future, we can hope to see a cross event spanning across all three shows.