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TV Reviews: iZombie: S2E14: Eternal Sunshine of the Caffeinated Mind

Ravi salvaged enough powder from one of the dead men’s “prison wallets” to remake the cure formula, however, much to Major’s dismay, he only tests it on the rats before giving it straight to Major.

The case of the week is the murder of a coffee shop owner while Ravi just stopped in for a cup of morning deliciousness. Recipe of the week is brain bruschetta or pizza. I’m not 100% sure this week (if you know please let us know so we can update).

The brain Liv devoured was beaming with positivity…enough to make you, at least, consider murder.

Clive and Liv visit the apartment where the air conditioner fell only to discover Liv’s former cellmate (Pam) broke in to search for clues but took a break in the form of pot-scented “pain relief”. Clive arrests her after Liv and has a vision of Pam’s violent outburst after being accused of stealing from the cash register.

Major pesters Ravi to check the test rat, only to find it zombified with large bleeding scabs over its body.

One of The Boss’ minions comes to collect a payment only to remember Blaine’s old nickname is Chinatown. The minion tells The Boss the story, which sounds identical to what’s happening to Boss right now, leading him to the realization that Blaine is his leak.

Clive and Liv visit the coffee shop (Positivity) where they question the employees, only to find a lead in a rival coffee shop. They visit The Daily, Grind which is run by the victims’ ex-husband Stan, who claims his Ex stole his whole business model. After some prodding, Stan admitted to his real alibi which was stopping at a gas station for a code brown emergency and apparently the station was out of toilet paper so he improvised. The gas station employee had a vivid memory of him and was even willing to provide footage.

Liv and Ravi visit the funeral and while Liv attempts to console the victim’s daughter Cher. Ravi tries to seal the deal with his favorite coffee girl. Liv has a vision of Cher stealing from the cash register and fighting with her mother about art school in Paris.

After a night partying with friends, the long arm of the law catches up to Drake. As his buddies get arrested, Drake punches a cop and makes a run for it. He calls Liv to cancel their date while police custody when it is revealed that he is an undercover agent. He reviews all the information that he has on Boss and has Tyrell moved to a safehouse when he is asked to end his relationship with Liv which he promptly declines.

As Blaine samples wines that he deems are "off", he decides he wants to “play” with the makeup artist. As she sleeps soundly in a coffin, built for two, Blaine is kidnapped by The Boss. Boss tells Blaine to make his God call (the 1% chance that at the last minute the God he believes in will save him.). Then The Boss has one of his associates slit Blaine’s throat and dump him in a pre-dug hole.

Major stops over to confess his sins to Liv as a backup in case he dies but is interrupted by Gilda/Rita, the roommate, who pretends not to know Major's identity. As Major leaves, he says goodbye to Rita using her true name which causes Liv to search Rita’s room and find the nightie that Rita sent to Major to make Liv jealous. Liv waits for Rita to get out of the shower and punches her into a wall then kicks her out of the apartment.

Candy, Blaine’s makeup artist, is caught by one of Blaine’s minions eating brains while Blaine digs himself out of the shallow grave snatches a blanket and heads back home on the bus.

Review: The rating for this episode was awarded, mainly, due to the preview for the next episode and the sheer genius of the murderer in this one.

This show has gotten progressively better and I’m really excited to see where it goes in the future. I have no idea why all of Clive's suspects are heavily lawyered up. It is weird that each person has a lawyer present while being questioned because how many people have their attorney right next to them when they are arrested? The lawyers never say anything and they don’t ask for a deal. They just let Liv (who is a medical examiner) and Clive say anything they want without rebuttal. I would be wondering why my lawyer was so quiet even if I was guilty. This is making me ask for How to Get Away with Murder's Annalise.

Even I, with limited knowledge of Seattle's laws, can think of several reasons why Gilbert’s hair or skin would be in the apartment. 1. He was hanging signs like he was supposed to for his mother. 2. He was prepping the apartment for his mother to show. 3. He snuck into it to hang out with friends. Also, the apartment was being shown for sale so plenty of DNA should be in the apartment. How could they point the finger at Gilbert for being in the apartment during the murder? They can certainly accuse him of being in the apartment, sure, but during the actual time of the murder seems like a stretch.

The victim's daughter has a more plausible motive. Even the victim's ex-Husband has a stronger motive than Gilbert. He even lied about his alibi at least once. Seriously, Gilbert, you have enough reasonable doubt in just the last few sentences to sway a questioning jury. I am beyond glad that Blaine wasn’t killed off. He is my favorite and I can’t wait to see more of his next moves. I can’t wait to see what the consequences for Major are since he blew Rita’s cover and got her zombie punched. Then there is Drake. I am excited to see Liv’s reaction to his secret identity and the truth that he is hiding. Last but not least, Ravi and Peyton's relationship. Honestly, I really don’t care about either of them now unless Peyton dates Blaine or Ravi suddenly becomes a character that is more than a sidekick. Otherwise, these characters are boring.

The preview for the next episode looks really interesting and I ready to see more of this show. The buildup was slow but I’m seeing the payoff. Well done writers you brought me back to the fold.

The Verdict: Energy Optimized (4/5)


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