The Rundown:
This episode picks up right where the last left off. Liv is crawling back into the bed with Drake who is staying over and begin cuddling. For a potential bad guy, he seems awesomely gently.
Ok, I know I’ve said I was off the Ravi and Peyton train but she is so adorable to her… my heart is so conflicted now.
The case of the week involves 3 headless men. I really wish they were on horses but no luck on that front. This also leaves Liv starving for the next bit of brain which Ravi happily supplies. This week’s recipe is sushi with brain filling. The brain Liv eats is apparently addicted to posting the various details of her life on social media.
Blaine has an honest moment with Peyton then Liv shows up and destroys what could have been a touching moment. This ends up causing Peyton to write off Blaine as a mistake. Peyton then goes to the home of the District Attorney only to find it is ransacked with writing on the wall alluding to the chaos killer.
Liv and Clive pay a visit to Mr. Boss since the three men were reportedly in his group. He seemed visibly shaken. Liv also does some digging into the past of her potential future and finds out Drake was locked up for 22 months, causing her to make the rash decision to avoid and annoy him until he stops trying to contact her.
Major is summoned by Vaughn du Clark because there is someone killing none zombies using the name Chaos Killer, much to the dismay of Vaughn. Vaughn also has a sneaking suspicion that Major was lying about one of the potential zombies he cleared.
Drake shows up at the morgue and explains himself and clears Liv of her worrying thoughts and they merrily continue their love affair. Liv even meets Drake’s mom who can’t resist commenting on Liv’s pale complexion even going as far as to do her makeup in a clown like elegance.
Blaine comes face to face with The Boss at his funeral home. Luckily, The Boss just wanted to collect on the debt that Blaine owed (5000 a week until his 80000 debt is paid in full).
Clive and Liv go to the cabin of the District Attorney and find the three missing heads. Liv finds the missing man in the crawl spaces of his house and even brings him fresh brains.
Peyton and Ravi have been staying up late nights drinking as Peyton wallows in herself pity and plans to quit her job. The mayor promptly rejects the resignation and sends her back to her office to catch The Boss.
Rita makes an appearance again in this episode to cause havoc for Major. Du Clark, after having Major pick a “mean” tweeter to punish, shows Major a news clip of him beheaded and in a pool of his own blood. Rita even overheard Liv talking about the Da as a zombie causing du Clark to send Major after him. This time, demanding proof so he doesn’t punish another internet troll. Major fakes the Da’s suicide and gives du Clark the proof he requested. While spending time with her new beau, Drake, one of Blaine’s lackeys, shows up at her door, triggering a vision that reveals Blaine as the new player moving against The Boss.

Review: I'm actually looking forward to next week’s episode. The preview has gotten me intrigued. This episode was very heartbreaking for Peyton and Blaine. They could have been an amazing couple. I know the whole Ravi and Peyton thing is still hanging in the “possible” territory and I can still be swayed to support them, however I like Blaine more than Ravi. Ravi would make the better boyfriend but Blaine getting more camera time isn’t bad at all and it would provide another side of him. Du Clark is such a good character from the sheer evil of him and to have his daughter in the background cheering him on is awesome. This show gets progressively better and I honestly can’t wait to see more.
Final Rating: Overpowered (5/5)