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TV Reviews: iZombie: S2E11: Fifty Shades of Grey Matter

The Run Down

Drake (the recently turned zombie) has problems partly due to Blaine trying to seize control from the boss. Drake is making me like him… almost to Blaine type levels, however, we’ll see if he can maintain my interest. Drake goes into “full on zombie” mode while preventing some of the boss’s underlings from seeing him. Drake, however, manages to control himself and doesn’t kill all of them.

Liv and Clive visit the victim’s husband, an ex-firefighter, who is now wheelchair bound. Of course, both of them feel sorry for the guy and my first thought was that he killed his wife. The world has desensitized me but according to every television show, “it’s always the spouse,” but maybe this time, I’m wrong.

Liv’s recipe of the week is bell peppers stuffed with meat and brains. They definitely need an iZombie cookbook because seriously Liv is killing it with the weekly recipes. This week’s brain comes from a horny librarian which increases Liv’s sex drive and causes her to have vivid sex fantasies. She even slapped Ravi’s behind and bent over the desk so he could return the favor.

Drake gets advice from Liv and asks if she can provide brains if necessary so he doesn’t have to deal with Blaine. Sex starved Liv wants to “get to know” him first. They later have a “date” where Liv gives Drake horny librarian brains and nearly sleeps with him only to let cooler heads prevail and decide to try it again when they aren’t on horny brains.

Major discovers that the dog (minor) he stole has a GPS tracker so he ran all the way to the groomer to get the dog and leaves him on a bus. Meanwhile, Ravi is really getting the short end of the story lately. He is barely making appearances or adding anything to the storyline.

Peyton gets more information from Blaine and then they sleep together and I couldn’t be more excited. I know people miss Peyton and Ravi, I did too for a while, but I’m on the Peyton and Blaine train now.

Clive and Liv, after accusing the victim’s co-worker of committing murder, they discover that the husband is guilty. Not only has he not been having sex with his wife, he was slut shaming her for wanting to wear “revealing” clothes. Then Clive and his “partner” from the FBI get enough information to arrest Blaine but Peyton comes to the rescue, freeing our favorite villain from the grasp of the well-meaning Clive.

While in custody, Blaine exhibits his usual level of snarky remarks and even tosses thinly veiled threats at both Clive and his obvious bedtime buddy. Sadly, Peyton finds out the truth about Blaine from Liv, destroying what could have been a lovely relationship. Liv does eventually sleep with Drake…before Peyton tells her that you don’t really know who you’re sleeping with.

Review: I don’t know why they keep showing us the people behind the brains. I don’t really care who you were before Liv’s dinner. This episode should have been called, “Bad Decisions I Made Because I Wasn’t Getting Laid.” How no one noticed Major is the chaos killer yet? This episode is just full of possibilities for the future. I love Liv and Drake together so much! They are just so adorable and I hope that Peyton can still find a way to be with Blaine.

Final Rating: Energy Optimized (4/5)


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