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TV Show Reviews: Heroes Reborn: S1E13: Project Reborn

Thoughts: Disappointing right until the end.

Recap: Tommy is still trapped inside the virtual world and struggles to find a way out. He is, however, the most oblivious person ever apparently as a snake-like cord “sneaks” up behind him and stabs itself into his neck, then for some reason makes him float in the air just to drop him immediately after they “jump” into the future. I must note that it doesn’t look like 12,000 people made that jump so much for genetic diversity. Tommy then chases himself, who provides (valuable?) information and tells Tommy to go back. He sees his memories unfold like a movie my only question is if these are his memories why are they taken from an angle that is different from his perspective? How does Tommy know what Hiro is saying when he is speaking Japanese? Did he have subtitles too or did he watch Hiro teach him Japanese and relearn it? Why are there cutaways in his memory with beautiful fade sequences? Who edited his memory to incorporate that or is that just for the audience? Is it a part of the video game? If so, was it just for Tommy or did Hiro experience memories as well? Why was there a second Tommy but not a second Hiro? This whole scene has left me with so many questions.

Ren and small town girlfriend find and rescue all the evos, including “Miko” (the woman that the computer Miko was based on) who of course has no clue who Ren is much to his dismay. Luke, Claire 2.0 and Quentin arrive at the gate just as the first solar flares appear in the sky. Luke leaves Quentin alone with Claire 2.0 as he runs of the be a hero. Now the sun makes Luke float… why is everyone floating this episode? Supercharged Luke for some reason floats into the solar flare and disperses it even though that has never been how his power worked and nothing up until this point can explain why it can suddenly work that way now. He dies in the process and I really don’t care I haven’t invested enough in any of these characters to care about their actual deaths and I’ve spent 13 episodes with them. Claire 2.0 is devastated though for some reason, I mean she hasn’t actually known Luke that long and is more upset about his death than the disappearance of her actual grandfather.

Carlos and his nephew save Farrah and apparently can operate a makeshift hospital while there are no doctors around and several people coming in need of help.

Seriously no one is paying attention in this episode Phoebe is hiding in the clock tower and uses her shadows as a rope to pull Claire 2.0 up the tower towards herself because from what we have seen on Phoebe's power and anger that makes more sense than just killing Claire 2.0 on the spot. Quentin is just as useless as Harris and just yells Phoebe's name like that will stop her. Quentin tries to talk Phoebe down, but when that doesn’t work he kills her with Lukes gun, causing phoebe to drop Claire 2.0. I would have loved for phoebe to be a true villain and not just an easily manipulated henchmen this character had potential and it was wasted. Farewell, Phoebe, you deserved better.

Ren has to enter the game prison and save Tommy… Smalltown girlfriend is still useless and just there to remind the audience that she is only there to further the exposition points that revolve around Tommy. I feel like they could have found a better use for her while she still performed to this function.

As children, Tommy and Claire 2.0 met and created a ball of energy that was sent into space, but it was wiped from both of their memories. At least, Tommy asked the same question I did and while it wasn’t answered, I’m glad it was noticed. (I can speak Japanese?) Tommy now can now make a copy of himself, which is because Hiro was prepping him for that moment and he did it once in the virtual prison. So that Tommy 1 can go back to the present and help his sister while Tommy 2 stay in the future and transport everyone back except Erica because she is evil and deserves not to exist anymore. Tommy goes back to the past to save his grandfather only to use him as a conduit of his and his sisters’ powers also to die. Since Tommy saw in the past that the last conduit died to break the children’s bond. He also takes his grandfather there to show him the events of the past. The other conduit died instantly, but Noah is able to say his final words to his grandchildren because they wanted a touching ending? I really not sure why and I find it insulting that I wasn’t supposed to notice that.

Review: As the curtains fall on Heroes Reborn for the final time I am filled with sadness. Just as I started to like the direction the series was headed they cancelled it. The fatal flaw of the series was that the audience they focused on being teens more than young adults, which meant most of the previous fanbase was instantly cast aside. If heroes reborn does return again in another form I hope they remember who their fans are and why we watched the original heroes in the first place. They ended the series on a cliffhanger so apparently they didn’t know they were cancelled. I would have appreciated the cliffhanger more if I cared about any of the characters in this show. Not to mention the fact that everyone just went on with their normal life after saving the world. Wasn’t the world anti-Evo? What happened to that? Claire 2.0 was on television using her power. Are you telling me no one recognized her? Did all the anti-Evo protocol just disappear because they saved the world? This series couldn’t answer basic questions or maintain a consistency within the world they created. I wish they would have spent more on the script and less on the special effects because this show had the potential to be great.

Final Score: 3/10 Power Ups



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