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TV Show Reviews: Heroes Reborn: S1E11: Send in the Clones

Luke helps Claire 2.0 by providing a listening ear to a person who isn’t as distraught as she should be that her family keeps disappearing from around her. They openly talk about the powers they have in a supposedly anti-Evo era and yet no one seems to care reminds me again how everyone hates Evos. Luke offered to buy Claire 2.0 a gun because what’s more safe than handing a deadly weapon to someone that’s never used one? Luckily she is smart enough to reject the offer because she has powers. Again where are the Evo glasses? Where are the cops that are taking bounty for Evos? Where is anyone of consequence to round up the Evos? I have no clue why they introduced aspects of the show that only affected people selectively. Yet people talking about their powers in the middle of a store full of people aren’t faced with any harm at all.

Phoebe, Quentin, and Harris travel to kill Claire 2.0 causing Quentin to suddenly have a change of heart when his creepy sister talks nonchalantly about killing Claire 2.0. However, when he voices his concerns everyone in the car turn on him causing him to rethink his change of heart.

Katana girl and Tommy talk and she begins to fade out but apparently he had a comic book that told the future the whole time and no one else found it nor did he read the last few pages until he met katana girl. He sends her towards her final mission while he returns to Erica to save the world. Small town girlfriend makes an appearance along with Tommy's mother, Matt begins to lose control of his “camp” when the invisible woman and Carlos knock out his sound system. They also waste time with a loving gaze that almost gets them killed by Harris clones. Meanwhile, The Haitian finds matt who tells us the oh so sad story of how he became even. I really didn’t need to hear his fall from grace story, but the most irritating part was Taylor on her high horse like she wasn’t just like him a few weeks again. Matt manages to disrupt the Haitians abilities long enough to regain control send him away and take Taylor hostage.

Claire 2.0 and Luke see a group of people that they know are enemies walking towards them and instead of slamming on the gas and running them down with the car they hop out and run on foot. Of course, Phoebe instantly finds Claire 2.0 nearly killing her until Luke shows up to save the day by knocking out phoebe, killing Harris clone and reasoning with Quentin who really wasn’t committed to the cause anyway. Claire 2.0 stops Luke from killing phoebe, which is stupid mainly because Luke isn’t a hero and his killing phoebe to avenge his son would be an acceptable reason. Phoebe is clearly evil and has no remorse for her deed, but she is smart enough to be a true villain so hopefully she either dies soon or becomes a self-reliant villain. Instead of killing them Claire 2.0 decides they should come along because you, of course, need people that tried to kill you along when you save the world.

The Review: Finally, Harris does something when he fought Katana girl but failed to complete his mission which was to kill her. He does, however, die along with all his clones. Farewell Harris, you were worthless right until the end. Katana girl then disappears yet again.

Joanna is summoned by Erica to kill Luke and Claire 2.0 as everyone moves towards the final showdown.

Final Score: 6/10 Powe Ups



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