A contractor is building on contested tribal land where protesters line the building site. The site manager is waiting on one last permit to finish the job, which the general contractor lies and says he has acquired, in order to keep the job. As the site manager hammers down a flag for the next construction area, the ground collapses beneath his feet and the construction workers quickly pull him up and a blast of sand and wind flies up from the collapsed earth. Unbeknownst to the frantic people, a creature emerges. The magical creature in this episode can take the shape of other people and cause mischief. It also has a creepy face.
Meanwhile, at the library, Jake is writing a paper using one of his alias names when the clippings book tells the group of the new case. Eve tells Jake, Cassandra, and Ezekiel to solve this case on their own and work on their residual issues from being apart while she and Jenkins try to fix the broken library. The foreman on the job is Jake’s father who isn’t exactly excited to see his son and promptly puts him down almost instantly. The group decides they need to look in the tunnel only to arrive just as it’s about to be sealed, much to the dismay of the official Native American expert who accompanied them.
Inside the tunnel they see Choctaw drawings but decide it’s not a burial ground and the work can continue. The lights flicker out and the Native American man is knocked out. As he is loaded into the ambulance, he says that Jake’s dad hit him. Jake’s father seems to blame everything on Jake; from the business being on the verge of bankruptcy (which Jake balanced the books before he left so the company could go almost six months without having work) to the company and his truck being “cursed”. Apparently Jake’s father is an alcoholic and a gambler too, which I’m sure has a positive effect on the business.
Cassandra and Ezekiel return to the library to get information without letting Jake know because why not leave our friend and coworker alone with a mysterious monster and his daddy issues? Jenkins tells them they are dealing with a shapeshifter. They just need to figure out which one since there are a wide variety of them. Jake after being filled instantly know that they are dealing with a Native American trickster god. The group takes a second look at the hole and realize there is a hidden room, a prison, for the trickster god.
The god tells the group he is strong enough to leave the town thanks to all the lies that have been told. He then leaves his former prison as the door closes behind him trapping the group inside. The group figures out that by telling the truth (the truth must have emotional weight to count towards unlocking the door) they can unlock to door and free themselves from the prison.
Jake finds the shapeshifter posing as his father, getting ready to blow up the tunnel. Jake grabs the shapeshifter and pull him into the tunnel. They fight. Jake weakens him by telling the truth and then takes him back to his prison. The group tells a few more truths and the trickster god is bound by snakes that were originally on the wall. However, after the experience, Jake is comfortable enough to use his own identity.

This episode should just be called daddy issues because all that is talked about is the problems Jake has with his father and how he can’t be himself around his dad. I also forgot the flirting between Cassandra and Jake. I’m just ready for them to go already. They are just boring.
Final Score: 7/10 Power Ups