On Christmas Eve, the CW gave all of us 'The Arrow' fans a sneak peek on what's to come for the second half of the fourth season of the beloved show. We ended the winter finale with an unconscious Felicity in Oliver's arms after she was shot in an attack staged by Damien Darhk. This is a shame because minutes prior, Oliver McQueen proposed to Felicity in front of their friends, family, and the citizens of Star City but don't worry Olicity fans. Felicity may return in stable condition.
The new trailer showcases an angered Oliver dealing his special brand of justice to Damien Darhk's henchmen, vowing revenge while standing above an unknown grave, and comforting Felicity's mother after finding out that the love of his life was released from surgery without an update to her condition.
There are several speculations swirling amongst fans about the fate of Ms. Smoak. Some believe that she is the one in the grave that Oliver was seen visiting, Others believe that she will turn into this series Oracle and will continue to fighting the good fight while combined to a wheel chair. Other believe that she will remain in a comma for a while and serve as further character development for Oliver McQueen instead of the hospitalized hacker.
The more probable outcome is the latter. It would not be logical for this style of series to rid the show of a character as poignant as Felicity Smoak so early in the run. This is particularly true since Showrunner and Writer, Andrew Kreisberg, stated on Kevin Smith's 'Fatman on Batman', that it was his goal to turn Felicity into another Harley Quinn; meaning that he would like to have the character of Felicity transfer to the comics and become a key figure such as Harley Quinn who originated on "Batman: The Animated Series".
Fans answers will be answered when "The Arrow" returns this January 20th.