This episode starts off with Etai driving Carrie to a loft where Saul has been hiding. Carrie enters the loft where she immediately envelops Saul in a much need hug. She then goes on to tell Saul of Allison's betrayal. But Saul is hesitant to believe it. They then agree to setup the turncoat with the help of a German intelligence team.

Later that night, Saul pays Allison a visit and stays the night. He then bugs her phone and purse while she is asleep. The following day Astrid (Nina Hoss) and her partner tell Dar Adal and Allison that a senior Moscow center chief, with vital information of the agent networks, contacted them. Hoping that Allison takes the bait, Astrid tells her that the defector has information that the SBR broke the CIA's encryption code and will tell what they know for $5 million and a new life in Boca Raton. But instead of running, Allison gets rid of her anxiety by calling over a one night stand that everyone can see because her house is bugged with cameras. They try to catch a confession on tape but all they end up getting is porn.
Astrid doesn't give up though and the next day, she sets up another meeting with Allison. This time it is just the two of them. Astrid tells Allison that her Russian source revealed that the CIA's Berlin station has a traitor in its midst. Allison then begins to panic. She books a decoy first class ticket to Copenhagen. Allison contacts Ivan using a call code that Carrie and Saul recognize.
Allison then tries to make a run for it, trashing her phone in the process and heading to an SBR safe house while unknowingly being followed and tracked by German drones overhead. Once she arrives, she tells Ivan that she’s been burned and goes on to fill him in on what's going on and he realized that Allison has been played. German arrest teams then zero in on the compound. How will Allison get out of this one? By doing what she does best, lying.
While being interrogated, Allison lies and says that Krupton had been her Joe for 12 years in hopes that Dar is easily duped. I'd say he is, the guy is so gullible.

Meanwhile, Quinn is in big trouble. His kidnappers are planning to attack Berlin with sarin gas and are testing it out on him first. They are going to broadcast his death in an attempt to convince the west to kick Bashar al-Assad out of Syria and get the United Nations to recognize the Islamic state.
A quick google search of sarin gas makes Qasim show mercy on Quinn. Qasim then injects Quinn with an antidote right before he's taken to the gas chamber. The episode then ends.
The Review:

What I liked about this episode was seeing Allison in a panic. That woman didn't know what to do at first, but she ironically held it together and didn't have that much of a nervous breakdown. What I didn't like about the episode was that Quinn wasn't seen that much. Clearly someone must be worried about him. Right?
Final Score: 10/10 Power Ups