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TV Reviews: Homeland: S5E10: New Normal

This episode begins with Allison showing off her skills as a professional liar. Saul is convinced that she manipulated the situation. That woman never runs of out of tricks. But Dar Adal isn't quite sold and he wants proof. He dismisses Carrie, much to her frustration. She's no longer one of them. “Your part in this play is over,” says Dar. He continues, “You're excused.” Bye Felicia!

Saul then goes to interrogate Allison, but things don't turn out the way that he's planned. Allison is able to piss him off to the point of no return. Saul launches at Allison, attacking her before Dar can come and pull him off of her. And all it does is win her more sympathy points with Dar. Allison then argues her way back into the team, and questions if she is under arrest and if not, they should release her so she can get back to her job. This is her backyard and that she can help to stop the terrorist attack.

Next, Carrie says that she has to figure out what happened to Quinn. She tells Astrid that he has been missing for nine days and that the last time she saw him he was seriously hurt. But Carrie finds out soon enough what happened to Quinn. She sees a video on a TV in a public establishment showing a kidnapped Quinn. The video brings her to her knees and she insists that Astrid let her see the un-sanitized version, in the hope that he sent a signal. It's brutal and graphic. She can barely watch. But Carrie does spot some unique tiles in the corner. That, combined with Dar's Intel about Quinn's planned mission, leads Carrie and Astrid to find Quinn's near-lifeless body, abandoned by the jihadist, who've already embarked on their mission.

Qasim, the one who saved Quinn's life by injecting him with atropine, had his own life saved by Bibi, the jihadi leader. His betrayal was uncovered when the syringe was found in the garbage. But Bibi framed another in his place, and killed him to further ensure Qasim's loyalty.

We then see Otto During. His team, Jonas, and Laura were trying to help a store owner by the name of Faisan, who'd been imprisoned in the surveillance sweep. He has some Intel on the terrorist attack. Meanwhile, the vans, loaded with sarin, are barreling toward their destination.


The fact that Allison is allowed to move freely about the CIA headquarters after being brought in for treason is mind blowing. This woman is like poison ivy from batman. I'm convinced that she is blowing some toxin around that makes people listen to her every command.

Final score: 10/10 Power Ups


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