The new 'The Flash' promo revealed some major news about the post winter break episode of 'The Flash'. We are going to finally see Kill Frost on screen and better (for Westallen shippers such as myself) we may actually be able to get some intimate Barry and Iris scenes of the romantic sort. We are shown an intimate moment between Barry and Iris of Earth-Two (E2) in which E2 Iris caresses Barry's chin.
Besides the Westallen love, we get to see Patty get sucked into the wormhole. I am guessing this is the reason why Barry and Dr. Wells travel to E2. A rescue mission perhaps? We also see E2 Caitlin saying how much fun it is to be bad.
I have not been a fan of Miss Spivot because of how she is written. She is a hybrid of an incredibly intelligent woman and a geek ladled with social awkwardness but none of the charm. I wish that writers have written her closer to Felicity on ‘Arrow’ so I can be torn about who to support when it comes between her and Iris but sadly it is not even close. But I am grateful that because of her capture, we will be able to see Mr. and Mrs. Allen.
If you haven't guessed it. I am most excited to see firstly, Iris. She has been notably absent in comparison to the previous season and I understand that the main reason behind her dwindling role is because she is not Barry's love interest as of this moment and the 'Legends of Tomorrow' setup. I hope that now the new spin off is about to start that the writers go back to creating a larger role for Iris within her own family as well as on the team.
I am also looking forward to finding out more about Killer Frost and Caitlin's reaction to her doppelganger. We also see Eobard Thawne aka The Reverse Flash. I am wondering if he came from E2 or another universe. I want to know where he got that newspaper. Was it actually the future or an alternate dimension? Hopefully we will find out soon because I can barely wait.
The newest episode of the Flash looks like it will be jammed pack with action, romance, and suspense. The Flash returns January 19th, 2016.