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TV Reviews: Heroes Reborn: S1E10: 11: 53 to Odessa

Katana girl is sent into the future somehow (instead of dying inside the game), conveniently within eyesight of a city in the middle of the desert.

Noah and Claire 2.0 leave the diner as Claire 2.0 asks a series of questions about Tommy and who abducted him. Luke reappears, hours after the incident, to bring Claire 2.0 her stuff. I’m sure that’s enough of a reason to come back near a crime scene. Luke insists on helping Claire 2.0 because she showed him his destiny and I’m sure it wasn’t meant to sound creepy to have an adult male say that to a teenage girl but it definitely was. Luckily Noah isn’t having anything to do with Luke and quickly escorts Claire 2.0 to the car and away from Luke after completely rejecting his attempts to help.

Tommy wakes up with a weird pattern on the back of his neck (A “Y” inside of a triangle.) This is what happens when you eat food from the enemy. He tries to teleport out but to no avail. Erica (Evil mom) explains that Tommy passed out and her doctors checked him out. Tommy realizes that shadow girl is outside so he can’t leave. Erica says it’s only until they trust each other. Erica tries to turn Tommy against his family by offering “knowledge” about his family and revealing the lies that he was told by them. She continues by saying that she is offering “honesty”. Erica tries to give Tommy a story about the future being grim, his grandad is the actual enemy, and you can’t stop this so join us speech. Tommy decides that he want to see it.

In the future Miko finally arrives at the town where she is promptly attacked by men in lab coats. She beats them off and runs away.

Matt is trying to find Claire 2.0 by interrogating the invisible woman. He brings in Carlos to help topple her mental defenses when Matt puts a gun to Carlos’s head and threatens to kill him. The invisible woman finally breaks and is ready to confess everything.

Noah realizes that Luke is following them as he talks to Claire 2.0 about her mother and why he left her and Tommy. As they stop at a gas station, Noah confronts Luke to try and make him stop following them. Luke tells Noah his truth and asks that he come with them. While Noah still doesn’t believe him he doesn’t object anymore.

Tommy sees the desert from future and for some reason brings shadow girl and her brother along instead of checking out the city. He looks from a distance and decides to help the enemy because your enemy is known for their honesty.

Ren desperately searches for Miko until a shogun appears before him that no one else can see. Miko sneaks into the underground area of the facility after fashioning a weapon. She finds her father and the “real” person she was modelled after. Her father tells her that she has one final mission: find Hiro. He then calls for help because of the intruder as Miko flees. Ren is given a key to help save Miko. The plan is to get into a group being sent into the future and help Miko. After escaping, Miko grabs Tommy and has him take her someplace they can talk.

Claire 2.0 saves a large number of people from being destroyed by a hurricane. Then the people instantly turn on her, blaming her for the hurricane. Before he is crushed by a car, Noah is saved by a time traveler that we don’t see.


Tommy is the worst. He is stupid and I can’t deal with him even if he is a child. To instantly trust your captors who admit to trying to steal your power is crazy. If this show didn’t focus so much on Tommy, I might like it better. The episodes that focus on other characters seem to be my favorites. The show, as a collective, is getting better. So, at least that’s a plus. While I still don’t like the decisions some characters are making I am becoming invested in them.

Final Score: 7/10 Power Ups


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