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TV Reviews: Heroes Reborn: S1E9: Sundae, Bloody Sundae

Tommy is back in the small town without memory of anything that happened last episode. He is just returning his small town girlfriend to the job as he pops into a hospital to visit his mom again and all I can think is why hasn’t anyone noticed his tracking device been removed and why haven’t they come to put it back in or at least imprison him? What is the point of installing tracking devices if people can take them out at will and no one is monitoring them? Needless to say this is one very annoying thing… anyway Tommy gives his girlfriend a bracelet from their time in Paris and I’m wondering when did he buy it and with what money? Did he steal it? I would be easy but unheroic and why does small town girlfriend need a memento of the boy that will break her heart? And what about her actual boyfriend? She didn’t break up with him so where is he while his girlfriend goes globetrotting with Tommy? I digress Tommy kisses his small town girlfriend and uses his power in the middle of the street; the middle of the street during anti evo times when his mother did everything she could to keep him from being discovered. He uses his power in the middle of the street.

Tommy has already annoyed me and I feel like the first few minutes have ruined the hope that I was given last episode. He then goes to visit his mother and she tells him about his life and who he really is while Noah walks in and helps to clear up somethings too. How did Noah know she was in the hospital? I have no idea. Penny-for-your-thoughts guy sees the problem that small town girlfriend will be so she is now a loose end that must be dealt with. Its official small town girlfriend is the worst. Penny-for-your-thoughts guy decides not to take her memories of Tommy just as Joanna walks in and subtly threatens her. So he tries to save her with his pennies and the look of fear and familiarity on her face makes Joanna not touch the penny at the last second, putting both penny-for-your-thought guy and small town girlfriend in danger.

Johanna calls Tommy and just as Penny-for-your-thoughts guy was about to get her to take the penny he appears putting his life and the safety of the entire world (which he is trusted to save) at risk. Penny for your thoughts guy dies and of course Tommy doesn’t even care. The only one he wants to protect is small town girlfriend. Why doesn’t he just grab her hand and pop out of the situation? I’m wondering the same thing too. So Tommy stops time to prevent harm from coming to his girlfriend because it’s not like he (or someone he has known) has been in danger for this skill to have been. Tommy saves his girlfriend and immediately after discovering the power he truly possesses is rendered powerless (thanks to phoebe’s darkness) and is taken hostage by Quentin and Phoebe.

Claire 2.0 and Luke have a conversation in a diner as she tries to find out more information about him. Luke uses his power to burn his food because he hates tomatoes…where are the evo detection glasses? Where are the police rounding evos up? Why are they not seeing all of these evos just using their powers willy-nilly? I’m only twelve minutes in and this show has crushed that flame that it lit last episode.

During a car ride Luke and Claire 2.0 bond over how weird and disconnected they felt from the people around them because Claire 2.0 can totally relate to losing a child and Luke can understand being saddened by not having candy on movie night. The connection this conversation is trying to build is annoying and unrealistic. Stop trying to force them to bond by making connections that aren’t there and neither would realistically care about as they race to save the world.

Taylor (the daughter of Renuatas president and all around evil lady) is pregnant by an evo and I’m sure being kidnapped and slammed into a van helps the whole pregnancy thing. The person who kidnaps her is none other than her mother after she releases a video telling the world how evil mommy is. (Kids these days). Her whole rebellion against mom is because she took her boyfriend and I am most offended by that. She had no problem abducting evos when it wasn’t her boyfriend but the moment mommy turned on Frances, it was a problem. She is a child who is mad her mother took what was hers. The show wants to me to feel bad for her but she isn’t worth it. She is just as vile as her mother (if not worse) because at least her mother doesn’t pretend to care about the evos. She is honest but Taylor only started caring because it was convenient. Turns out it wasn’t mommy dearest it was a shapeshifter and the Haitian (who is now alive because Noah didn’t kill him since penny-for-your-thoughts guy took his memory instead). They were testing the loyalty of Taylor and she passed apparently. They bought back Micah (Remember him? He can control anything digital). He is apparently the leader of the resistance. However, he was captured.

Matt is the director of a facility that capture and holds evos cherished memories or deepest fear keep them inside a home he runs and will even have people kill themselves by turning their memories against them. My how far you’ve fallen Matt.

Harris makes a brief appearance to rescue Joanna and bring her to Renautas.

Noah discovers Claire 2.0 after she is abandoned by Luke. Claire 2.0 goes willing with a stranger because he said he was her grandfather after everything she just saw.



The rating would be lower but they keep bring people back who I like so I feel compelled not to give this episode a lower rating. It’s below heroes standards mostly because of how horrible the characters are and how unrealistic their actions are. I really want to like this show. If every young hero wasn’t so stupid I just might. Even Noah is being stupid. I don’t know who I like in this show besides evil Matt because every other villain is irritating and unreliable. “Heroes: Reborn” is just getting sad now after the amazing episode that made me love you just a little bit but you crushed that love with this episode. Why do you hate your viewers?

Final Score: 4/10 Power Ups


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