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TV Reviews: iZombie: S2E7: Abra Cadaver

Liv and Major discuss how being a part of a zombie/human couple will affect their lives besides the whole no sex thing. From mood swings to human brains, Liv tries to reassure Major that she is still herself despite the changes that she may acquire during a new brain. The case of the week is the murder of a magician by playing card or Death by queen of diamonds as I’m calling the case. Side note: the recipes that Liv makes with brains are becoming more elaborate. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if they came out with an iZombie cookbook. We also find out that the murder itself is a magic trick since the camera doesn’t see anyone enter the room other than the murder victim.

Ravi and Peyton have a heart to heart that I’m sure won’t lead them to get back together or at the very least hopping back into the boudoir. Ravi complains about how clingy his new girlfriend is because (wait for it) she changed her Facebook status. Facebook ruining relationships since 2004. Peyton reminds him that it’s a relationship. They are in fact in a relationship and he needs to stop whining about how clingy his girlfriend is. Major questions Ravi and Peyton on Liv’s personality changes since she is suddenly death obsessed.

Blaine (my favorite ex zombie) tells Liv about the zombie hunter at large and enlists her help to stop whoever it is from killing his bottom line. Liv however is helping because some of the zombies have families and are “good people”.

Ravi’s clingy girlfriend plans a night of British fun that concluded in sex but Ravi promptly breaks up with her once he wakes up.

Liv tells Major about the zombie killer that’s at large while worrying she could be next. Major tries to reassure her but his words are meaningless.

Peyton visits Blaine to warn him about Mr. Boss. Some light flirting ensues and Blaine even gives her his number. Ravi tries to kiss Peyton who rejects him causing Ravi to retreat to his room.

Liv once again solves the murder; revealing the maid (who is really part of a rival magic act) killed the murder victim.

Clive and the FBI woman deepen their relationship.


Major, just a few episodes ago, had a drug problem so severe that he was blowing off friends and forgetting responsibilities however, since he went to Liv for help (which I don’t recall him receiving) he is suddenly drug free. I’m really confused about the whole point of him being a drug addict if the story arc wasn’t followed through. Either show him hitting rock bottom and getting help (at least mention he got help) or don’t include that. I’m guessing Liv’s zombie love was all that he needed to be drug free but again don’t include it if it wasn’t important enough to follow through completely. I know I personally hate when shows do this with drug addiction.

Final Score: 6/10 Power Ups

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