Sorry to ‘iZombie’ fans but I have been lost to the world of kdramas and anime which at this moment is way more exciting than this show. This show needs to stop boring me by giving characters I don’t care about major story arcs. I’m rapidly losing faith. Season one was so good. iZombie burst out the body bag full throttle and I was hooked. So of course I expected the same thing from season two. However, this season seems to focus on the emotional development of characters and the consequences of season ones actions. This would be fine if everything wasn’t dropped at the doorstep of Liv who picks up the baggage and owns it.
I honestly feel like other people need to take some responsibility too or appreciate what Liv gave up to keep them safe; Liv’s mother and brother for example. Neither have had much screen time this season which is strange since in episode one Liv was trying to make things right with them after she refused to donate her blood to her injured brother. If she had donated her blood people will discover her zombie ailment or her brother would turn into a zombie. On top of all of that, she couldn’t tell them why she refused to give him her blood. After momentarily trying to make amends she then immediately gives up and decides to stay away from the only family that loved and cared about her but life goes on right?
Major becomes a drug addict this season and a zombie hunter. How? Well Max Rager, director of Vaughn Du Clark, decides to “handle” the zombie problem and hires Major because thanks to his former zombie status he can now determine who’s a zombie by the hair on his arms standing up when the zombie gets near. Since he is now unemployed it makes complete sense to him to take a job as a hired killed after being accused of murder. He convinces himself that killing other zombies is the only way to save Liv and does the job. The guilt, however, of being a murderer is too much to bear so he turns to drugs. He instantly becomes a drug addict like all TV characters do and quickly becomes irresponsible and unreliable. He is managed by Gilda, the daughter of Vaughn Clark. Major also has a short lived fling with her. She still has feelings for him that he doesn’t return. To replace her old roommate, Peyton, Liv moves in Rita (aka Gilda). As far as Liv is concerned Rita is a roommate with friendly tendencies but is working most of the time.
Ravi, the most stable of the bunch, is dealing with the after math of last season. He is helping in stabilizing Liv, trying to keep Major from going off the deep end, and trying to maintain a “normal” life. He has even tried to date again in the midst of all of this. After getting some cut utopium, he again tries again to make the cure but instead creates the ultimate zombie killshot that in minutes deteriorates a zombie. Blaine finds out about this weapon and tries to grab the vial of the solution after seeing the result. Ravi and Blain fight. It results in a win for Ravi who smashed the vial into another solution.
Blaine appears to have moved on with his life. He opens a funeral home to provide dignity to the dead meanwhile, in the basement, a zombie is eating the brain of a man in a coffin. Blaine then disguises himself as the living with some strategically placed makeup to visit the zombies he created, including his own father. We get a glimpse of their relationship. Considering he turned his own father (Angus) into a brain eating zombie and charges him monthly for a steady supply of brains, their relationship seems unstable. This is in part due to Angus’s discontentment with the “coddling” of Blaine. It is also important to note that Angus also had his father committed in order to take over the family company. It seems that disloyalty runs in the family.
Last season, after watching Liv kill a man, her roommate and best friend Peyton flees the city leaving her apartment, boyfriend (Ravi), and best friend without notice. She returns this season in about episode four, leaving Liv a birthday cake and attempting to rekindle the friendship. Peyton moves her bags into the house which Major agreed to but thanks to his drug habit forgets to tell Ravi and interrupts Ravi’s date. I’m sure Ravi living with his ex-girlfriend won’t, in anyway, affect him when trying to move on with his life. Peyton meets the new roommate who she finds suspicious. Liv, however, just assumes it is jealousy and doesn’t pay attention to her assistant district attorney friend’s intuition.
Clive (Liv’s police detective partner) refused to give up on solving the meat cut murders. Which at the beginning of season 2 was “solved”, making the dead captain a hero who stopped the gunmen single handedly. An FBI agent comes to the precinct to investigate the large number of missing person’s cases in the city. She seems to be the only person who is willing to believe Clive and also seems to have relationship interests as well. We learn a bit about Clive this season when a man is abusing his son and Clive visits the father after hours to insure he doesn’t abuse his son anymore. He informs the child’s teacher to call him personally if it happens again. He also beats the crap out of the father in his driveway. Shortly afterwards the widow of the former captain hands him half a brain in Tupperware.
Last but not least Liv decided after eating the brain of a country singer that she is going to let Major go. Then they end up making out when Major reveals he needs help but doesn’t really explain his drug problem or even explain his problem at all to Liv before making out with her in her hallway. However, after pining for Major for the whole season, Liv suddenly became deeply concerned about being a zombie and how she might transmit the infection from having sex with Major. She also tells Rita about the incident with Major unaware that Rita is also sleeping with Major secretly. Rita stabs Liv to get a blood sample after finding out about Major and Liv’s recent interaction. I’m sure that love triangle will end well.
Review: So far this season not much of actual value has happened. It seems like they are just dealing with the aftermath of ‘Meat Cute’. Oh and Liv’s zombie brain recipes are getting more elaborate. Otherwise I would just skill these episodes and either binge watch them on a streaming service or just watch the brief recap at the beginning to catch up.
Final Score: 5/10 Power Ups
(Please note this is the collective score for all the episodes I’ve had to endure so far. Watch at your own risk.)