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TV Reviews: Homeland: S5E7: Oriole

This action packed episode starts off with Carrie admiring During's place while going through the documents. The guy is living the luxurious life. In the documents that Carrie finds, she discovers that one of her old contacts tried to reach out to her a few years ago. But Oriole, Carrie's old code name, was out of the game already. Carrie then gives her old friend a call. The two chat and catch up. He then informs Carrie that a corrupt, Saudi lawyer they thought to be dead is actually still alive.

Carrie then calls Laura Sutton, to keep During company. Laura also brings her hacker associate, Numan with her. Numan is the one who is technically responsible for all of this mess. Carrie asks Numan for his help in locating the lawyer’s widow. Meanwhile, Laura finds out that Carrie has the classified documents and asks to see them. Carrie doesn't oblige though and the two get into an argument. During then tries to play referee and says that there are more important things to worry about. In the midst of this argument, Numan is able to locate the widow, and Carrie decides to pay her a visit and During offers Carrie one of his cars for transportation. After Carrie leaves, Jonas pays During a visit hours later looking for Carrie. During starts bad mouthing Carrie, saying how unstable she is and that he will not be renewing his contract with her. Seems like During is a bit fishy.

Carrie meets up with her old contact when she arrives. Turns out Esam is forever grateful to Carrie for getting him out of Iraq. He tells her that life is great and that he is a cab driver by day while finishing up his MBA at night. After the small Reunion, Carrie and Esam discover that the lawyer guy is indeed still alive. Carrie then tasks Esam with following the lawyer guy while he walks his dog outside. She then breaks into his house. Back outside, Esam witness two Russian males snatch the lawyer and his dog. Esam calls Carrie to let her know.

Back at Esam's place, Carrie finds a laptop and puts it in her bag but before she can leave the Russian guys show up. They see that the house has already been broken into and begins to search the place. Carrie then jumps out of a window in the bathroom. One of the Russians sees her and begins firing his gun at her. Carrie narrowly escapes unharmed and heads back to the cab. But when she gets in the car, Esam is dead with his throat slit open.

Carrie then makes her way out of Amsterdam ASAP. On the freeway, Carrie makes an ironic call to Allison. Carrie asks Allison to meet up and Allison is more than willing to do so. The episode then ends.


The ending to this episode just makes me want to watch the next one ASAP. Allison nearly passed out when she learned that the woman who she tried to have killed was still alive. Carrie is still clueless to the fact that Allison is the one who wants her dead and them meeting in person…I don't see that ending with hugs and handshakes. I get the feeling that Allison will try to kill Carrie herself. I'm sensing a cat fight here. If that's the case, things may not go so well for Allison. Carrie is trained in CQC and is really good with pretty much any firearm. Unless Allison secretly knows martial arts, she doesn't stand a chance.

Final Score: 10/10 Power Ups


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