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TV Reviews: The Walking Dead: S6E6: Always Accountable

We start this episode back on the road with Daryl, Michonne and Abraham. They are less than 20 miles out from their destination before they can return to Alexandria. When they turn off the highway, they are assaulted by a group of bandits that force Abraham and Sasha to separate from Daryl. They ended up crashing their car but they came out guns blazing and ended the lives of the men that were chasing them down. Daryl lost some of his attackers in a group of zombies but continued to drive off. Abraham takes out his knife to make sure their pursuers stay dead. Sasha is against it and tells him there could be more. Daryl is alone in the woods when his bike gives out and he lays sprawled on the ground. He turns over and sees a burnt zombie with a motorcycle helmet.

Daryl continues his trek through the woods and he passes several corpses. He calls for Sasha and Abraham on his walkie-talkie but no one answers. That is when he notices he is bleeding. It seems that he hears something near bye so he covers his bike and grabs his crossbow before searching the area. He comes across a pair of women who says that they earned what they took before a man comes up behind him and knocks him out.

When Daryl comes to he tries to explain that they have the wrong person but they aren’t listening. Instead, the man points a gun at him and says if he says anything else, he will kill him. He then commands Daryl to follow behind the two women. As they move through the woods, they continue to come across more burnt bodies. The older woman tries to get the younger one to drink but the younger one says they should conserve their water. They give Daryl some water. Before saying that they will trade Daryl to the group of people because they are good folks.

The younger woman asks how they escaped and they explain that they were responsible for all of the burnt corpses on the ground. Daryl tries to reason with them but the man waves his gun in his face again and asks if they are making a mistake by letting Daryl live. Daryl says that he has somewhere to be but he is willing to help them the guy explains that he is hurt and alone and will say anything because he is one of them. They get back to the place that looks like where Daryl, Sasha and Abraham escaped. The person they were looking for “Patty” was not there.

When the younger woman, Tina, faints, Daryl takes his chance by grabbing his bag and running into the woods. He uses his walkie-talkie to call for Sasha and Abraham again but now answer. He hears the sound of a zombie and quickly pulls out his crossbow from the duffle and shoots the creature in the head. When he looks down, he notices a container of insulin.

Back with Sasha and Abraham. They are back where Daryl escaped the ambushers. Sasha said that it is best if they stay put and let Daryl find them. She steps in the mud in order to create footprints. They come across an abandoned building and in the distance, Abraham sees a walker that is shambling away from them. He extracts his knife and Sasha tells him to stop because he is smarter than that and that they don’t need to leave bread crumbs. Sasha scribbles Daryl’s last name on the door so he can locate them.

Inside the building, Abraham discovers the office of a former Marine. Sasha asks if he wanted to rest or take watch. Abraham says that he will do a little “shopping” instead. When he returns, Sasha still hasn’t slept and he goes on to say that he really wants to kill the zombie that is trapped behind the glass wall in another office area. Sasha explains that Abraham has a choice on whether or not to join her and he tells her he didn’t because she was out of control when they were traveling to Alexandria. She tells him that she is in control now and he says he is too. Sasha points out his reckless behavior and Abraham explains he doesn’t like loose ends. Sasha explains that he is responsible for his actions now that they have found Alexandria because there is no need to run on instinct now. He has life’s comforts. “Shit” is not constantly hitting the fan.

Back with Daryl, he finds the group who has help him captive. He gives them the duffle but takes their weapons. As soon as he hands over the bags, the group that was hunting shows up. They asks for the stuff that they took. When the assaulting group is distracted, Daryl helps them escape but not before hearing the names Wayne and Negan. The guy asks why he helped them after all they have done. Daryl says because he is stupid.

The next scene is Abraham, outside alone. He comes across and army vehicle with RPGs and cigars. He sees a zombie trapped on a gate and climbs out over a ledge to get to it. He starts screaming when he realizes he can’t take the rocket off the zombie as easily as he thought. He goes back to the box of cigars, lights one up. The zombie tries to get to Abraham but falls off the bridge and Abraham grabs the rockets. He makes it back to Sasha with his findings. He then explains that he has been behaving so rashly because he never thought that he would have a life outside of the zombie apocalypse and he would like to get to know Sasha a whole lot better. She asks why he would think she is interested and he explains a man can tell. Sasha explains that he has some stuff.

Daryl and the crew continue to walk through the woods. They come across a burned down building and bodies destroyed under the rubble. They realize this was done because of the fire they set earlier. Tina goes to lay flowers over the bodies when she trips and is eaten by walkers. Daryl offers to take them back to Alexandria but they double cross him when he reveals his bike. They take the crossbow and leave him behind saying they’re sorry and Daryl promises that they will be.

Daryl finds his way back to the fuel station that he escaped from in the beginning of the episode as well as a fuel truck. Sasha and Abraham are still in the office when they hear Daryl pull up. At the end, Daryl radios Rick but on the other end, all he hears is help.

The Review:

This episode was insanely good. I loved every moment of it. I am glad that we have a new villain joining the show. I was not expecting the romance between Sasha and Abraham considering Abraham is sleeping with Rosita. If I didn’t love Daryl before, I am now. He is so nice and such a highly skilled warrior. I can’t wait until he gets his revenge on the two who stole his crossbow.

Final Score: 10/10 Power Ups


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