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Web Series Reviews: Surviving: S1E5: Fight Another Day

We start this episode with the military going to visit Lenard and capture the girls. The leader of the squad is a female named Agent Juarez. She is an absolute asshole and a stereotypical bad guy in female form. The first thing we see is her smirking evilly and munching on an apple. I have to point out that the way she carries herself, and all of her mannerisms, are akin to male. You could put any bad guy from an action movie in her place and I could not tell the difference. Moving on, she enters the building and greets Lenard with her squad behind her. She reveals that she has been watching him and he says he’s been watching her.

It is then revealed to us that the girls never left Lenard’s home. Instead, they are hiding in a cubby while watching what is going on. Shayla notices that one of the soldiers was the son of a former patient. His name is Evan. They start searching the house for Lucy and Shayla and it looks like the solider that Shayla recognizes sees them. Instead of turning them in, he tells Agent Juarez that the house is clear.

Lenard and the female Steven Seagull exchange quips. She asks him where the girls are and he says they’re long gone. Juarez points out that their car is outside. She then does the most stereotypical bad guy move and rubs Leonard’s cheek before threatening him. She tells him that he has one more chance to give up the girls. Leonard promptly tells her to kiss his a**. This resulted in Leonard’s death.

The soldiers exit the house. Shayla leads Lucy outside, saying she knows where they need to go. Once they are outside, they are confronted by Juarez and her men. Juarez threatens Shayla who responds with a threat of her own. Juarez didn’t like what she heard and told her men to take Lucy and kill Shayla before riding off in a truck.

Shayla tries to reason with the soldier she was familiar with but he looked scared and basically said he had to follow orders. Lucy revealed that she was holding a knife to Shayla before stabbing the man holding her. Shayla quickly shot the two men that was holding her down. This left Evan. Shayla tried to reason with him again but Lucy stopped all negotiations by stabbing him in the neck with what looked like a needle. Shayla is shocked by her younger sister’s action and Lucy promptly explains that they have the same father.

The girls run off and that ends this episode.

The Review:

This show keeps getting better and better each week. Even the actress who plays Lucy’s acting got better. We’ve learned more about the girls’ relationship with their father. Who knew that Lucy could be a bad ass? I am curious if she actually killed the guy or not. He seemed like a confused man and since it is so early in the apocalypse, I am sure they would not starting killing people who wasn’t a real threat. As usual I want to know more. Where are the girls going now that they found out all they could from Lenard?

Final Rating: 10/10


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