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TV Reviews: The Flash: S2E5: The Darkness and the Light

I am really loving “The Flash”. Dr. Wells from Earth 2 is pure perfection. Heck, this episode was pure perfection! This is what I want from “The Flash”! This is what I need.

We start the episode with Earth-2 Dr. Wells giving a presentation about his knew invention for detecting Meta-Humans when he is interrupted by Jay Garrick as The Flash. Jay blames Dr. Wells for creating the Meta-Humans, and most importantly, Zoom. Dr. Wells immediately puts Jay in his place by saying that Zoom wouldn’t be a problem if Jay was doing his job as The Flash. After their little spat, Dr. Wells’ daughter asks him if her is ok. He goes on to complete his presentation.

We are then brought to S.T.A.R. Labs where the team meets Dr. Wells Earth-2. I am going to cut this short by telling you that they all hold a grudge against him because of his face. He tells them that he doesn’t care what the previous Wells did because that is not him and to get over it. They decide to run some tests in order to confirm his story. He then tells them that he came here to help Barry stop his greatest enemy and a pouty Cisco said they already did that. Wells explains that he is referring to Zoom. Joe interrupts the meeting and tries to put 3 bullets into Wells but Barry catches them and explains the situation.

Joe visits Iris at her job and tells her about Earth-2 Dr. Wells. He then hands her a gun and tells her that if she shoots a man that is already dead, it is not a crime.

Cisco and Barry are at the Coffee Shop discussing time travel when Patty sneaks up behind them. She asks Barry to join her and help her write her reports. Barry turns her down. Cisco then decides he needs to show Barry how to pick up chicks and flirts with the Barista, Kendra Saunders, who turns him down as well. Cisco has a vision about an attack at the bank and tells Barry he needs to go and later explains that he got an alert on his phone. Barry confronts Dr. Light (The villain of the week) but she manages to get away.

Back at the Lab Dr. Wells briefs Barry and Cisco on Dr. Light and Cisco decides this version of Dr. Wells is a dick. Jay Garrick interrupts their conversation and he and Wells get into a full on brawl. Barry stops the fight and Dr. Wells calls Jay a coward who leaves with his tail tucked in between his legs.

Barry finally asks Patty on a date and Cisco is confronted by Dr. Wells. He wants to know what Wells did to Cisco. He wants to know why Cisco can’t look him in the eye. Cisco tells him that Harrison Prime shoved a hand through his chest and stopped his heart. Earth-2 Wells tells him that he doesn’t have to like him and that he doesn’t have to like Cisco but they have to work with each other.

Barry fights Dr. Light again and discovers that it is Earth-2 Linda Park. She blinds him and escapes again. Jay and Caitlin volunteer to stakeout Linda Park’s place of work to make sure Dr. Light doesn’t try to kill her.

Iris visits Barry at the lab. He asks her if she is ok and she says that she is fine. She then tells him he should still go on a date with Patty even though he is blind. Barry agrees after Cisco decides to help him.

Barry then goes on a date with Patty that is awkward as hell. Jay and Caitlin nearly kiss on their stakeout but are interrupted by Dr. Light and rendered unconscious. Dr. Light tries to kill Linda but ends up killing Linda and Iris’ boss. Iris uses the gun that Joe gives her and shoots the mask off of Dr. Light. Both of them are shocked about the attacker’s identity.

Barry and Patty end their date with a kiss before Barry runs off to help Linda and Iris but Dr. Light gets away again. Wells tells them how they can find Dr. Light and tells everyone that Cisco is a Meta-Human. He then goes on to say that if Cisco touches the mask, they will be able to locate her. Cisco tries but he can’t produce a vision. Wells has enough and tells him to try harder while shoving the mask into Cisco’s chest and over his heart. Cisco gets a vision and tells Barry that she is at the train station.

Dr. Wells tells Barry to run faster and created after images in order to confuse Dr. Light. This works and they capture her.

Back at the Lab, Barry says that he is ready to confront Zoom and Jay is against it. He tells Barry that you may be faster but you are still not ready to face Zoom alone. Barry explains that he is not alone. He has all of his friends’ support. Jay tells him that he is not going to stick around and watch Barry lose his speed or die before leaving.

Kendra, the barista, asks Cisco out and gives him her number.

The last scene is Dr. Wells’ daughter trapped in a cage and Zoom telling her that her fate has yet to be decided.

The Review:

By the end of the episode I felt the same way about everyone being shocked by Dr. Wells’ face. They brought up this doppelganger mess too many times for my liking. I find it ironic that the Jay is slower than Barry, and a coward, but is still more in tune with his powers and therefore mentors Barry. This episode actually made me like Jay less. I have never been a fan of cowardice in my heroes.

The spallen date was awkward. I can’t tell if it was because of an intentional decision or if they have no chemistry. I just want to get this whole thing over with. It is so ham-fisted that I am starting to hate watching Barry and Patty on screen together.

I love that Dr. Wells outed Cisco. It needed to happen. I was never a fan of Cisco’s reason behind keeping the secret. I thought it was childish and unwarranted.

Next week, I want to find out more about Iris’s brother. I am so ready for him to make his appearance. I would also like to see Dr. Wells train Cisco like Wells Prime did for Barry. I also can’t wait for Zoom and Barry to meet or better yet, they find out about Wells’ daughter. That would be awesome!

Final Score: 10/10 Power Ups


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