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TV Reviews: Once Upon a Time: S5E6: The Bear and the Bow

The episode starts with our heroes in Camelot, a flash of light disables the weak level 1 Knights long enough for Merlin (Elliot Knight), Hook (Colin O'Donoghue), David (Josh Dallas), and Belle (Emilie de Ravin) to go through a passage. As they proceed though the cells, hook believes Merlin can see the future. Which Merlin never denies. They find Lancelot along with Merida (Amy Manson). Both are jailed across from each other and both want out ASAP. Belle helped Merlin with a spell from her book because the cell bars are enchanted. After both are freed, Merlin assures Merida that they will find a way to rescue her brothers.

Back in present day, we see the gang still trying to figure out why the darkness wasn't destroyed by Emma back in Camelot. Regina says that they can use that dang mushroom to try and communicate with Merlin. But the question of what happened can only be asked by a person Merlin chose. That just so happens to be Arthur (Liam Garrigan). At least that’s what the group thinks so David goes to seek him out but Belle believes that Rumple (Robert Carlyle) can do it instead.

We then see Rumple in the woods with his hands tied behind his back. He asks for Belle’s forgiveness before breaking the chipped teacup to free himself with a shard. Back in Camelot, Merida tells Belle how she ended up in jail and how it had to do with a boat that belonged to Arthur. Merida and Belle fall behind the group and Merida knocks Belle unconscious with a rock.

Belle awakens on a boat and Merida apologizes and explains the she needed Belle’s help. Merida wants Belle to make a potion that will turn her into a bear but Belle tricks her and gives her a bottle with water in it instead. Merida ultimately saves her brothers and the other clans submit to her as there queen. She thanks Belle for her help before sending her off on a boat. Back in Storybrooke, Rumple tries to leave town but Belle refuses. Merida catches up to her and is forced by Emma to drink a potion that turns her into a bear. She then gives chase to Merida through the woods but a heroic Rumple comes to her rescue. He throws a bag of magic powder down the Bears’ throat it then turns Merida back into her human form. The Dark one summons Zelena from her cell and tries to form an alliance but Zelena isn't having it. Emma says that she will be back to take the deal.

Merida, Rumple, and Belle return to Emma’s lair where Rumple pulls Excalibur from the stone and vows revenge against Emma. Regina finds the half burned mushroom which leads the group to realize that Arthur can’t be trusted. Henry (the author) tries to contact merlin only to get a pre-recorded message that ends abruptly because the dark one is trying to attack him.

Jasmine’s Review:

This is the most eventful episode up to this point which says a lot considering it was a snooze fest. Dark swan is terrible considering that she is supposed to be evil. She is more mild mannered and rational than “dark”. Everyone around her seems to have been more evil than her while everyone is dwelling on how horrible she is for taking and returning Henry’s friend’s heart. No one is mentioning that out of all the evil they have faced, Emma is a 2; at the worst more of a nuisance. I feel like the story wants me to think she is more evil than she actually is. Heart stealing isn’t that bad I mean Cora crushed her daughter’s boyfriend’s heart in front of her. That is evil. Henry betrayed his whole family in Neverland because he thought he could be a hero but no one holds that against him. Snow and Charming infected an innocent child with evil so their child could have a chance of not being evil. These actions are way more evil then Dark Swan. Why the hype of Dark Swan if she is just going to sit in a lair and make heroes? If anything she is more of a “gray” hero now than anything else. Bring me a villain worthy of Once Upon a Time.

Valente’s Review:

This episode was alright. I honestly would like it if Regina and Zelena would put their differences aside and work together. Don't judge me, I'm all about positivity. I also would like to see more scenes with Rumple in them, I'm curious to see how he is going to adapt to life without magic and if this will affect his relationship with Belle. I think it would be refreshing for the both of them to start over. Rumple did so many bad things as the Dark One and now that he is a mortal he can atone for all the evil things he has done.

Jasmine Final Score: 3/10

Valente Final Score: 9.5/10


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