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TV Reviews: Homeland: S5E5: Better Call Saul

This episode is titled Better Call Saul, which is what Carrie does in this episode. We know now that Allison is not who she seems to be. The weak, level 1 has been wreaking havoc everywhere. Carrie now has to keep Quinn alive while trying to figure out who tried to have him killed. This Episode should have been named Carrie VS Allison. Carrie doesn't know that Allison is behind all of this, and Allison doesn't know that Carrie is still alive.

General Youssef is dead, Quinn is wounded and Allison is becoming more mysterious. Who is this woman anyway? Carrie tricks Jonas into helping her with Quinn. He then asks why he should do anything for her; the last he saw her, she was running off into the woods with a sniper rifle. Carrie eventually convinces him and he agrees to help.

We then see Carrie reach out to a BND officer named Astrid (Nina Hoss) who has strong feelings for Quinn. Astrid helps out Carrie in identifying the man who tried to kill Quinn.

We then see that journalist Laura in the middle of a masked riot in front of the embassy, Carrie hears of this and decides to use this as way to contact Laura. We then see Carrie and the riot; she pays a random guy money for his masks to disguise herself and blend in with the other rioters. She then walks past Laura and drops a phone in her purse. The phone rings seconds later with Carrie on the other end convincing Laura to meet her somewhere private. The two meet at a train station, only for Laura to tell Carrie that she does not have the files.

Jonas then calls Carrie and tells her that Quinn's condition is getting worse, Carrie gives in and tells Jonas to call an ambulance, but when Jonas goes to check on Quinn he is not there.

We then see Quinn sitting at the edge of a pier about to commit what looks like a suicide. A guy then emerges from the shadows and tries to talk to Quinn but he doesn't want to hear it. He then gets up and struggles to walk down an alley, but he's lost a lot of blood and can barely stand up straight. Peter eventually falls to the ground and we see that weird guy again. Peter loses consciousness and the episode ends.

The Review:

This episode was so awesome. Carrie finally reached out to Saul and asked for his help. I still can't believe that neither of them know that Allison is behind everything that has happened. But I'm confident that they will find out. I liked how Carrie and Laura came into contact again. They really haven't had much interaction since episode 1. I'm hoping that Carrie and Saul will put their heads together and realize that weak level 1 Allison is playing everyone. The only thing I didn't like about this episode was how it ended. Cliffhangers can be so exasperating.

Final Rating: 10/10 Power Ups


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