Well hello there, glad to see some of you returned to see what randomness I can bring to your lives in the form of today's Trailer Breakdown. Greetings to any newcomer who has decided to take a chance and step into my domain. I hope you will become a loyal reader as well.
Jumping right into today’s topic, we will be discussing the 2016 remake of "Ghostbusters" and my thoughts on the trailer released to the general population. I’m going to start by keeping my opinions relatively short and to the point about this movie and then branching straight into the events in the trailer. All right, here goes nothing.
The trailer was just released and I’m already over it. Now, I should mention that I am not a fan of the original movies either. Therefore, I'm working under a bias and that bias heavily influences my opinion on this trailer towards a negative outlook. I’m all for girl power, consequently, I support the idea of an all-female cast, but honestly, did we really need a remake of "Ghostbusters" at all? Truly, I understand that people are so enthralled with their nostalgia that they can't wait to revisit their past but this is getting ridiculous. Soon, all that will be left are unoriginal ideas, content, films, etc. I am in great need of a movie that is based on an original property and not a remake. Anywho, you get the idea people. I'm not down for the film. So let's move on before my talks about the depletion of human intelligence enters into the realm of full-scale rants.
The trailer features Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate Mckinnon, and Leslie Jones as the Ghostbuster crew and what appears to be their black sidekick. Now, I'm not one to get into the ins and outs of the stereotypes portrayed in the movies but did they have to make the black female lead that damn stereotypical? To boot, it appears as if compared to the other main characters, she has an extremely low IQ and is just a glorified chauffeur. Between the way the characters are portrayed and the sub-par comedic abilities displayed in this trailer, I just don’t comprehend what would make someone want to view it other than the hype of the originals.
By all means, go watch the trailers. It seems pretty similar to the original film so if that's what you're into, then this should be good for you and for those of you who have never seen this, go watch the trailer and form your own opinion about "Ghostbusters".