Greeting and salutations to my loyal readers and greetings to any newcomers that may be passing through my humble blogging abode. We shall be delving into the minds of the strange, the weird, some might even suggest our topic is downright peculiar. If you haven’t read the title above or taken in my not so subtle clues, then I shall have to inform you of today’s topic ... "Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children".
First, let me start by saying I am very interested in this movie because I love fantasy films and novels. When a writer can successfully take the audience on an adventure to an alternate land and have them fully immersed in a world of fantasy, then you, as a filmmaker or writer, have done your job. If you haven’t read the novel this movie is based on, I think that you should go do so and then maybe you will get some of my deeply invested interest in the film. If reading's not your thing, but fantasy is then I think this trailer will do the necessary job to reel you over to my side of things.
As soon as the trailer starts, you're already being hit with a hard dose of fantasy and whimsy. A seemingly normal girl is tethered by a rope and clearly being weighed down by what must be modified shoes, used in the same fashion as sand bags for stage props. As soon a she removes them, the girl starts floating up into the air before feeding the birds at the top of a tree. If that doesn’t get you interested, then continue watching because you will see a slew of other peculiar children meet Miss Peregrine and find out that not all creatures in this world are as nice as the children. The main character has to find a way to protect them from said dubious creatures.
Now, I don’t want to give the entire movie away so, go my readers and form your own opinion of the trailer and film when it’s release rolls around, I know I will.
Till next time, dear readers