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The Eye Candy Humble Bundle, For Your Viewing Pleasure

Humble Bundles have always been a great way to try out games for low prices, with the proceeds going to a good cause. And for the most recent bundle, it's never looked better. With this new bundle, you can get games such as Human Resource Machine, Shantae: Risky's Revenge, and a Boy and his Blob for the price you name. These beautiful games are only the tip of the iceberg, however. If you pay more than the current average that people have paid, you can unlock 3 more games, all of which have colorful pallets to please the senses. And to go even FURTHER, if you pay $10 you can unlock Evoland II, which puts you at 7 full games for $10.

If you cannot pay much for games right now even with this deal, it's alright to try out the basic package. The first 3 games being "pay what you want" makes it so you can have access to a library of games on a budget, and if you pay more it's even better since this bundle is supporting "Water Aid" and "The Able Gamers Foundation". These great causes make it so there is no real downside to how you approach this. The bundle will only be up for 14 days, however, so check it out sooner rather than later!

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