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Overwatch Beta Opening Soon!

Overwatch's Closed Alpha has been hard to get into since Blizzard has only given out keys to access the game to a limited number of people, so it was up to luck to get into the colorful, fast-paced game.

For anyone that wasn't able to make it into Overwatch's alpha, there's another ray of hope until the game's full release on May 24th. For anyone that has pre-ordered or pre-purchased the game, there is currently live access to the Beta version. However, if you did not pre-order yet, there's more. Between May 5th and May 9th the Beta will be open to everyone for free, so make sure to check this out if you have a XBOX One, a Playstation 4, or a PC!

Even if you didn't have any plans on buying the game when it was fully released later this month, this will give you an opportunity to check out the game with no downside. The game promises fast and unique combat, featuring a plethora of classes to choose from, and pulls elements from both RPGs and FPSs to give you a unique blend of action packed game play.

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