In the Empire Strikes Back, Luke Skywalker’s duel, with his powerful Father Lord Vader, goes south when his hand is severed. Luke’s hand falls out of sight along with his blue iconic lightsaber. In the recent Star Wars film, The Force Awakens, we see alien, Maz Kanata, has Luke Skywalker's lightsaber in her possession. This brought many questions to the minds of the fans of the iconic franchise.
Apparently, the original opening scene for The Force Awakens would have shed some light on this conundrum. Mark Hamill revealed in an interview with the Sun; that the film’s opening sequence was actually changed. “One day I read the first 15 minutes of the film absolutely accurately,” he said. “I can tell you now that in the original opening shot of seven, the first thing that came into the frame was a hand with a lightsaber, a severed hand that enters the atmosphere, and then the hand and bone burns away and goes sticking into the surface of Jakku. And this alien hand comes in, don’t know if it was Maz but it was an alien hand who takes the lightsaber away, and then the movie proceeds as you see it.”
This certainly wouldn’t be the first time pertinent information has been left on the cutting room floor. Years ago during the making of New Hope, many characters, as well as storylines, were left out; such as Luke’s conversation with his brave friend Biggs Darklighter or Luke racing around Tatooine.
Star Wars Rogue One hits theaters Dec 18th and Happy Star Wars Day!