Merry meet readers! I hope all is well as you once again enter into the land flaws (or random rambles; whatever keeps you reading).
So getting into our chosen topic of the day, as you may have read by the title, we as a community of randoms shall be going through the looking glass and determining what the official trailer reveals about the upcoming film. Full disclosure readers, you should know that I have been a fan of "Alice in Wonderland" since I was young. I own a collection of novels and films to prove it. So, this particular review will be in a positively bias tone of voice. Though, I will still give you the straight up facts about the trailer and per usual encourage you to form your own opinions.
Getting straight to the point, I will certainly be amongst those of you who choose to watch this film in theaters; possibly in an allusive location in the interest of anonymity. If you are interested in a world of whimsy and possibly feeling like you have been tripping on acid, then "Alice Through the Looking Glass" is the movie for you. This movie is made to be the sequel to the "Alice in Wonderland" (2010) film starring Johnny Depp. According to the trailer, the sequel picks up with a returning Alice who has been away from the magical land for an extended period of time. Upon her return to the fantastical world, she notices it is a completely different looking and feeling version of Underland.
Upon realization of the changes, she once again takes on the task to unravel the mystery behind the modifications to Underland; including the location of her missing friends. She must figure out the best course of action to return Underland to what she knows and admires.
In the trailer, you see Alice being lured back to Underland by a blue butterfly. There, she discovers that things have changed and the Mad Hatter has lost his muchness; she has to go on a quest to get it back. There are new villains and some old ones and a completely different story arc to explore. So, I implore you to dive deep into the world of fantasy and join Alice on her quest to figure out just who this new bad guy is and what it will take to stop them and restore the land to its former glory.
I once again encourage everyone to go see the trailer and form your own opinions about whether or not this movie is worth seeing for you or the kids in your lives.