This is a free to play RPG that has a multiplayer component that is not on the scale of traditional MMOs. It includes several classes which are: lancer, soldier, archer, mage, and cleric. Each class has unique skills that the player can unlock. The gameplay features co-op play for those who rather play with friends or complete strangers.
The drawing style is heavily influenced by anime which is expected considering the game’s origin is Ateam Inc, a Japanese based publisher. The game has single player quests, friend’s quests/subplots, daily missions, "main" missions, and events that are updated regularly.

Although they have included main missions, the story is simple, skippable, and unimportant. The real gem is in the gameplay that is oddly addictive. The tutorial is done quickly and the transition to actual gameplay is seamless.
I wanted to hate this game specifically because it forces the player to team with others. There isn't actually a single player option for those of us who are a little more anti-social. That aside, overall, the multiplayer/social element does work well for the game overall and I can't complain too much because it doesn't force you to be extremely interactive with other players. The game also cuts consumption cost when you work with friends to encourage playing with multiple friends.
One thing I noticed while creating my character is that the game doesn't allow avatars to change skin color, which is weird for this day and age. The game includes interchangeable cosmetic gear in addition to functioning battle gear. This game has a high replayability value simply because you can move to the next class after maxing your character in another specialized class.
The item drop/spawn rates are questionable simply because its luck of the draw but events help increase high-value item drops.
Guild battles are pretty fun even if you're in a small guild. The system is set up so small guilds don't get overrun by the larger ones. The game does include in-app purchases but they aren't essential to enjoying the game. Overall, the game is a really fun, time consuming, and as a person that doesn't play well with others, the multiplayer element doesn't make me hate the game.