With "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" release date right around the corner, fans have been posed with the question is it best to pay the extra money to see the two DC titans fight on an IMAX screen or should they buy a ticket to a standard viewing. In the latest featurette, Zack Snyder answers that question with a resounding yes. This film was shot with IMAX cameras and was intented to be seen on the largest screen available.
In case anyone is still wondering which will provide the best experience, we have added a few photos so you can see exactly how much of the movie you will be missing if the film is viewed in it's standard format. You will be missing approximately 40% of the movie. It is a safe bet that all of the essential information will be in the standard aspect ratio but there may be special touches missed in the standard edition. If you want to be able to see the true scope of "Batman v Superman", then you should view it in the IMAX.