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First Look at Spider-Man and Ant-Man in Captain America: Civil War

Did Marvel Studios just drop a bombshell? They sure as hell did. In the 2nd official trailer for Captain America: Civil War, they revealed Spider-Man in all of his glory.

Fans have been clamouring for a shot of the teen superhero since it was announced that he will be making an appearance in the upcoming Captain America film. They were left disappointed, however, when the first theatrical trailer did not contain Spider-Man or Ant-Man.

"So why now? What does this mean for moviegoers?" some people have asked and the answer may surprise you. Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice will be hitting theaters later this month. It has been speculated that Marvel Studios released this trailer in order to divert attention from the battling DC superheroes by controlling the mindshare leading up to its March 25th release date. This strategy could put a dent in Batman v Superman if every news site is concentrating on one of Marvel's number one teenaged superheroes instead of the Batfleck and Super Cavill.

Speculation and controversy surrounding the trailer release aside, the newly trailer may have provided spoilers concerning some the motivations surrounding "war" between Captain America and Iron Man. It appears that during a fight Bucky may have killed War Machine and not too shortly after we hear Tony telling Captain America that he started a war. We all know how Cap' feels about Bucky and he may be blind to the faults of his "friend".

In comparison to the 1st trailer and Superbowl teaser, the overall feel of the trailer was lackluster. Ant-Man and Spider-Man were the only positives. Even the music did not compliment the action scenes well in comparison to the Superbowl teaser but that can be expected when Marvel pretty much reused the exact same footage we have already seen with exception to the previously mentioned characters.

Overall, the anticipation of this film is high. Hopefully, it will live up to the expectations.

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