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The Sims 4: Romantic Garden Stuff Pack Announced

On the Sims 4 blog post, Sim Guru Drake announced the latest Stuff pack for the Sims 4 Franchise, slated to be released Feb 9th, 2016.

This came by surprise since only a month ago the Sims 4: Movie Hangout Stuff Pack was released and while more content is greatly needed in the Sims 4 game (due to the general lack of content), another game pack or expansion pack would have suited the content issue better than this stuff pack.

If you can appreciate Victorian inspired botanical gardens, flirty statues, and flower-filled fountains that can create a romantic backdrop for your Sims’ loving moments, this may be the stuff pack for you. This stuff pack will add more decorative items for players to create romantic atmospheres for their Sims. There are new flowers, fountains, statues, outfits, and hairstyles for players to use in their world to enhance different lots and Sims.

The new interact-able objects that will be added to players’ games are the Whispering Wishing Well and the Fountain of Gluteus Maximus. The Gluteus Maximus fountain has an edge where your Sims can sit and cuddle with one another for cozy romantic moments. Sims can also splash around inside with friends or be a little mischievous by adding soap to have the fountain overflow with bubbles.

The Whispering Wishing Well, does exactly as the name suggests. It is a well where Sims far and wide can come to make a wish by throwing in a gold coin. In the trailer, we see a ghost Sim making a wish to become corporeal again. Sims can also wish for wealth, love, happiness, a child, youth and more. Both objects are reminiscent of the objects in the Sims 3 that allowed players to do the exact same interactions, but as I have stated before I am glad for more content. What would be interesting is if the Sims 4 Team actually allows Sims wish bad upon another Sim. I think it could add an edge to the game without losing its T rating or fun nature. This is a possibility since there are 50 probable outcomes for your Sims’ wishes.

They also added a park venue called The Lost Gardens of Healing. This will be the ideal romantic backdrop for your Sims with fountains, flowers, statues, and even 1600s classical music to serenade your Sims as they explore romance and love.

Overall, this will be a great addition to everyone’s game whether you are a builder or a legacy player.

The Sims 4 Romantic Garden Stuff Pack releases on February 9th on Origin.

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